Why the Religious Still Reject Jesus
God forsook His own Son so that those who trust in Him shall never be forsaken. Jesus was rejected by men, but through Him alone, we can be accepted by God.
- What struck you the most about the message from Dr. Gnanakan?
- There were four pictures of Jesus spoken about in the message: Jesus on a donkey, Jesus washing the disciples’ feet, Jesus on the cross and Jesus at a door knocking. Which one of those pictures impacted you the most and why?
- William Temple said, “If your concept of God is wrong, the more religion you get, the more dangerous you become to yourself and others.” How do you see this to be true in the world around us? In the church? In your own journey over the years?
- How do Hebrews 9:24 and Romans 1:4 bring clarity to the four images of Jesus in the message?
- Read and discuss Revelation 3:14-22. Dr. Gnanakan compared the church of Laodicea to America today. Laodicea was known for its banking, garments, and medical research. What are some parallels between this church and the church of today?
- Discuss the kind of savior you are tempted to follow in daily living, compared to the Savior as He truly is.