What Is God Doing Among Israelis and Palestinians?
Joel Rosenberg shares how even though Satan comes to steal, kill, and destroy, God is working among the devastation to call people to Himself.
- What stood out to you most in this message?
- Joel Rosenberg refers to Israel and Jerusalem in particular as the epicenter. Why do you think that is? (For the leader: Jerusalem is one of the most holy cities in the world for Christians, Jews, and Muslims.)
- Read John 10:10: The thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy. Joel discussed that whatever God wishes to bless and use, Satan wishes to destroy. How is what is happening in the Holy Land right now explained in some measure by John 10:10?
- In what way has your perspective changed regarding the events in Israel and the Israeli/Palestinian conflict as a result of this message?
- Joel refers to the Jews as one of the most hard-hearted people. Read Amos 9:9 and reflect on how Joel applied this to recent events.
- How might your prayer life change as a result of this message?