The Holy Spirit, Part 2: The Sealing of the Spirit
The Holy Spirit is the seal—a down payment or guarantee—of our future inheritance, in which we will see God face to face and reap every blessing of being fully in the kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ.
- Read Ephesians 1:13-14. How does this passage portray both the “divine” and “human” elements of salvation?
- What does Paul mean by saying that the Spirit serves as a “down payment” of our future inheritance? What is this “inheritance” that Christians look forward to?
- Share briefly about when you “heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and believed in him, [and] were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit.” What led up to it, and what was that moment like?
- If there is time, discuss this very, very important question: In your opinion, are Krispy Kreme donuts underrated, overrated, or rated just rightly? (If you have not listened to this sermon, this question will not make much sense to you.)