The Church in Acts, Part 7: Samaria and the Ends of the Earth
Followers of Jesus are called to faithfulness in prosperity and courage in persecution.
- What stood out to you most in this message?
- Discuss the quandary for a believer of prosperity that tends to weaken one’s faith and persecution that tends to sharpen it. Which would you choose? What sharpens your faith?
- Read 2 Peter 1:3-11. Discuss what it means to “make your salvation sure.” What do we do as believers in cooperation with the Holy Spirit to “solidify” our journey of sanctification?
- What steps can you take this week to be more disciplined in your faith?
- Who is someone in your sphere that is very different from you. What makes it challenging to engage them in spiritual matters?
- Pray together that God would deepen our journey of faith and open doors to engage others in our world.