The Church in Acts, Part 4: How Should the Church…?
The different parts of the body are to work together, using our gifts in intentional ways as we gather, grow, give and go—all for the glory of God.
- What stood out to you in this message?
- When you consider the model of Gather, Grow, Give, and Go, which of these is the easiest to identify in your own life and journey? Where do you believe you do well evidencing this element in your life?
- Which of the four elements is the greatest struggle for you, and why?
- How have you been processing the encouragement to set in place a target or two for each of these areas? Has this been frustrating or encouraging? Why or why not?
- Are you a goal setter? How have you handled goals in journey? Respond to the adage, “If you aim at nothing, you will hit is every time.”
- What do you believe is one key step forward for you regarding the 4 G’s?
- Pray together for God to reveal what steps He wants each one to make in the days ahead.
The Holy Spirit, Part 7: The Edifying Gifts
Sermon by Aaron Osborne
Spiritual Gifts Assessment
From Lifeway