The Church in Acts, Part 2: The Birth of the Church
We are not called to walk the Christian life alone. From its establishment in Acts 2, the church has been God’s instrument for providing community, support, and encouragement for His followers.
- What stood out to you in this message?
- Discuss the connection between your conversion and being baptized. How important was baptism in your spiritual journey?
- In what way have you felt empowered by the Holy Spirit at some point in your life? Try to provide a specific example.
- Read Acts 2:42-47. Discuss your observations about the community of the first century. How do you believe community today compares to the first century?
- How well do you believe you personally engage the RBC community? Explain.
- How might you see taking a step forward in engaging community more effectively?
- How do you believe we at RBC can champion baptism more than we do?
Gospel in the Feasts
Message by Aaron Abramson | March 28, 2024
The Holy Spirit, Part 6: The Sign Gifts
Sermon by Jason VanDorsten | August 6, 2023