Paul’s Loving Charge to the Church, Part 1: Guarding Sound Doctrine
Guarding sound doctrine requires understanding the importance of godly leadership, the importance of biblical teaching, and the place of the law.
- What stood out to you in this message?
- In your own journey, have you thought much about the concern for false teaching? Discuss.
- How have you seen the changes in the church over the last several decades? Have you been able to discern the movement from truth being external to human beings to the perspective that truth is from within? Discuss the notion that people used to largely stay in their “swim lanes” to people mixing and matching elements across these lanes.
- In what ways have you been exposed to false teaching in your journey as a believer in Christ?
- When you consider studying the Bible, what methods or principles do you use to come to clarity on what a given passage means?
- Discuss the statement “There is one interpretation and many applications.” Do you agree? Why or why not?
- Read 2 Timothy 2:15. What steps could you take to be a more effective student of the Bible?