Jesus Encounters: The Woman with Chronic Bleeding
In her encounter with Jesus, the woman with chronic bleeding discovered that Jesus was the only one who could heal her body, and He was the only one who could heal her shame.
- What stood out to you most in this message?
- Has there ever been a time when you felt desperate for Christ? Explain.
- Without necessarily discussing details, is there a time when you felt that the Lord couldn’t cleanse you? How did you move forward from that experience?
- Read Romans 8:1. Discuss how one goes from knowing this verse to living this verse?
- How do we live in the tension of dheap grace (I can do whatever I want and the Lord will forgive me) and condemnation (Jesus can’t forgive me for this one)?
- What other Scriptures speak to you about God’s healing power when we sin and experience shame? Discuss.
- Is there an experience of freedom in your life that God may want to use in helping others experience freedom? Explain.