In the Beginning, Part 54: Joseph Is Revealed
We all contribute to the mess that exists in the world, but we can look back and see that everything is designed for our good and God’s glory. By seeing God as sovereign, it replaces bitterness with love, forgiveness, and grace.
- What is one thing about this message that was particularly helpful, challenging, or encouraging for you?
- Have you ever received unexpected news that absolutely shocked you? What happened?
- Read and discuss Genesis 45. What stands out to you about how Joseph reveals himself to his brothers and how they respond?
- Where do we see the tension and interplay between man’s moral responsibility and God’s ultimate sovereignty as this narrative continues to unfold?
- Discuss the following statement: “By seeing God as sovereign, it replaces bitterness with love, forgiveness, and grace.” How have you observed or experienced this in your life?
- What is a situation in your life where you need to rest in God’s sovereign grace?
- In what ways does Joseph point his brothers to the Lord? What opportunities do you have to do this with people you interact with?
- What is something for which someone else forgave you? Did you find it difficult to accept their forgiveness or struggle to believe that it was genuine?
- Do you ever struggle to believe the genuineness of God’s forgiveness? Why?
- How does the gospel both model and enable us to deep, true forgiveness?
- Spend some time in prayer. Give thanks to the Lord for the great forgiveness He has extended to us. Consider before Him if there is someone to whom you need to be an extension of His love and forgiveness.