Him We Proclaim
Why do we proclaim Christ? Because He is the glory of the Father, the one who gives grace that brings us back to God. Christ is not only the center, He is the very content of the gospel, and He is all we need.
- What stood out to you in this message from Dr. G?
- Read Colossians 1:24-29. Ask your group members about specific verses and concept that impacted them from them message.
- The three main words in the message related to Jesus and the believer were Servant, Steward and Sufferer. Have different people in the group do a quick search each of those words/concepts and discuss what we learn about Jesus and his followers then and now.
- Dr. G talked about striving for the gospel. In what ways do you find yourself striving in your own life?
- Colossians 1:27 talks about the glorious mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. Discuss what this means for us today.
- Today’s title was “Him We Proclaim” – discuss the last time you had an opportunity to have a spiritual conversation with someone.
- What is your biggest take away from this message?
I see my Lord in the Bible, whenever I have a chance to look,
He is the theme of the Bible the center and heart of the Book
He is the Rose of Sharon, the Lily bright and fair,
Yes, whenever I open the Bible, the Lord of the Bible is there!
He, in the Book’s beginning, gave the earth its form,
He is the Ark of safety that bears the brunt of the storm
The burning bush in the desert, the budding of Aaron’s rod,
Yes, wherever I open my Bible I see the Son of God!
The Lamb upon mount Moriah, the ladder from earth to sky,
The scarlet cord in the window, the serpent lifted high
The smitten rock in the wilderness, Shepherd with staff & crook,
Sure, wherever I open this Bible, I see my Lord in this Book.
He is the seed of the woman, the Savior virgin born
He is the Son of David, whom people rejected with scorn,
Yet, the Lord of eternal glory, whom John the Apostle saw
The Light of the celestial city, that Lamb without spot or flaw
The Bridegroom coming at midnight, for whom His people look,
Yes, wherever I open the Bible, My Lord is in the Book!