God’s Design: The Importance of Mothers
Mothers provide life as they respond to God’s intended design for women by nurturing, shaping and meeting the needs of those she comes alongside of.
- What stood out to you about the message from this week?
- Read Genesis 1:26-28. Discuss your thoughts on God’s created order. What are some of the challenges we are facing in culture related to the abandoning of His created order?
- Interact with the idea that the husband is to pattern himself after Christ (Ephesians 5:25-29), and that the wife is to pattern herself after the Holy Spirit (Genesis 2:18 and John 14:6). How does this alter or support your perspective on the relationship between husbands and wives?
- Discuss the idea that mothers provide life to their children as they come alongside their children? Does this ring true to you? Discuss your own personal experience as it relates to this overarching principal.
- As mothers provide life and come alongside, they contribute to the lives of their children in three critical ways: Nurture, Shaping and the Meeting of Needs. Which of these stands out to you and why? How have you seen these elements lived out in your life, either with your mother or as a mother yourself?
- Are there any important areas of God’s created order for mothers that we didn’t cover in this message?