Colossians, Part 6: Identity in Christ
A primary tactic of the enemy, our flesh, and the fallen world is to use shreds of truth to lead us to false solutions. Only Jesus Christ has the true right, power, and authority to bestow, form, and shape our identity.
- What was one thing in this message that you found particularly encouraging, beneficial, or challenging?
- In what ways do messages from culture attempt to shape or influence our identity by using shreds of truth? What are the results of this? How should followers of Jesus guard against this influence?
- Read and discuss Colossians 3:1-17. How has Paul turned the corner from “supremacy of Jesus” (Colossians 1 & 2) to “submission to Jesus” (Colossians 3 & 4)? How would you sum up Paul’s main points from this section in just a sentence or two? What is he telling us about Jesus? What is he telling us about us?
- How is our identity being formed and revealed in these verses?
- What does it mean to “set our minds on things above” (Colossians 3:2)? In what ways do you think you do this well? In what ways do you struggle to do this?
- What “future hope” does Paul give us in these verses? Why is this important?
- What things in your life do you need to “put to death” (v. 5), “put away” (v. 8) or “put off” (v. 9)?
- What things do you need to “put on” (v. 3:12)?
- Why do you think Paul emphasizes gratitude at the end of this section (v. 15-17)? Why is thankfulness a “keystone element” of who we are in Jesus?