Colossians, Part 4: Christ In You, The Hope of Glory
If you are a follower of Jesus Christ, then the indwelling presence of God in you is the down payment for the full measure of glory that you will receive when you get to your hope.
- What was one thing in this message that you found particularly encouraging, beneficial, or challenging?
- Read and discuss Colossians 1:24-2:5. What is Paul saying here? What do you note about his care for the Colossians? What is the “mystery” Paul is referring to? What is the “hope of glory” (1:27)?
- What role does suffering and affliction play in the Christian life? How do rejoicing and suffering often go hand-in-hand?
- What does it mean that Christ is “in” us? Why would this have been an outrageous statement when this letter was written? What does this mean for us as we walk with Jesus?
- In what ways are we prone to give up the glory we are meant to reflect?
- Discuss Pastor Jim’s statement, “Our ability to live according to our restored glory in our salvation is to tap into the indwelling presence of God.” What resistance do you face in accessing the indwelling power of God? Spend some time in prayer for the things you’ve discussed.