Christ and Culture, Part 2: God Created Them Male and Female
In order to follow Christ in the midst of a confused culture, we must stand firm in God’s design, teach biblical sexuality to the next generation, and maintain a heart of compassion for all people.
- What stood out to you in this message?
- How have you historically understood the idea that we are made in the image of God? Did this message alter your understanding given we are created male and female?
- Why is it important for a single person to embrace the biblical picture of the image of God in male and female?
- Discuss the male and female responsibilities addressed in the message. How have you seen these lived out well in your life? How you have seen them lived out poorly?
- Discuss how you have handled a situation with someone in your life who is dealing with sexual brokenness. Do you feel you have been able to speak the truth in love? Explain.
- What are your thoughts on how to train children to understand the issues of the sexuality in our changing world?
Messages from Christopher Yuan on Holy Sexuality
God’s Creation, God’s Design: Walt Heyer
God’s Creation, God’s Design: Maria Kefler
God’s Creation, God’s Design: Sharon Supp
God’s Creation, God’s Design: Panel Discussion
God’s Creation, God’s Design: Discussion with Jim Supp and Walt Heyer