RBC, Who’s Going?
The Great Commission was given to the church, not to individuals, so we all should take park in going and sending. Let’s be His people, taking up His cause and enlisting ourselves for the sake of His cause.
Watch / ListenPaul’s Loving Charge to the Church, Part 10: Flee and Pursue
Stewarding the gospel requires fleeing the trappings of possessions and pursuing godliness with contentment.
Watch / ListenPaul’s Loving Charge to the Church, Part 9: Order and Honor in the Church
To have proper order and honor in the church, we must be a church characterized by investing, encouraging, and prioritizing the vulnerable.
Watch / ListenPaul’s Loving Charge to the Church: Women in Ministry Supplemental Session
This video addresses additional aspects of women in ministry not covered in Part 5 or in the evening panel discussion.
Watch / ListenPaul’s Loving Charge to the Church, Part 8: Teach, Train, Toil
The call on Timothy, and the call on all of us, no matter how we serve the body of Christ, is to keep a close watch on both our life and doctrine.
Watch / ListenPaul’s Loving Charge to the Church, Part 7: The Enemy’s Target on the Church
Because our enemy is at work through deceptive teaching, we must be students of the Word, embrace the flawed community of Christ, and live in disciplined freedom.
Watch / ListenPaul’s Loving Charge to the Church, Part 6: The Church – The Steward of the Gospel
As the church, we are the family of God and part of the assembly of the living God. So we must promote and protect the truth.
Watch / ListenPaul’s Loving Charge to the Church, Part 5: Women in Ministry
Men and women are equal at the cross, but different in function and responsibility. Men must lead with the humility of Christ and recognize their accountability before the Lord. Women must use their gifts maximally, according to the parameters of Scripture.
Watch / ListenAn Evening Discussion: Women in Ministry
As part of our teaching series through 1 Timothy, we hosted a panel discussion and Q&A with several women from our congregation.
Watch / ListenBefore the Throne: Every Nation, Tribe, People, and Language
To reach those from a different ethnic or cultural background, we must choose to cross the divide, be a student of others, and move toward spiritual conversations. When in doubt, love them first.
Watch / Listen