Christ and Culture, Part 2: God Created Them Male and Female
In order to follow Christ in the midst of a confused culture, we must stand firm in God’s design, teach biblical sexuality to the next generation, and maintain a heart of compassion for all people.
Watch / ListenChrist and Culture, Part 1: God Created Life
God created life and made man in His own image. In response, we are called to pursue Christ alone, fill our eyes with His light, and values others above ourselves.
Watch / ListenJesus Encounters: The Woman with Chronic Bleeding
In her encounter with Jesus, the woman with chronic bleeding discovered that Jesus was the only one who could heal her body, and He was the only one who could heal her shame.
Watch / ListenJesus Encounters: The Transfiguration
In their encounter with Jesus, three of the disciples beheld the glory of Christ, glory that was sought after in the Old Testament, is supreme in essence and position, is shared with His people, and is sustaining in suffering.
Watch / ListenJesus Encounters: Mary and Martha
In their encounter with Jesus, Mary and Martha discovered that on the road of suffering, we need to remember Jesus’ tender love, His timing, His truth, His tears, and His triumph.
Watch / ListenJesus Encounters: Nicodemus
In his encounter with Jesus, Nicodemus learned that salvation only comes to those who are born again.
Watch / ListenJesus Encounters: The Man Born Blind
In his encounter with Jesus, the man born blind received physical healing that led him to spiritual sight. Jesus used that miracle to reveal that those who believe they can spiritually see, are actually spiritually blind.
Watch / ListenJesus Encounters: The Commissioning of Peter
In his first encounter with Jesus, Peter witnessed a miracle and received a call to be a “fisher of men.”
Watch / ListenJesus Encounters: The Samaritan Woman
In her encounter with Jesus, the Samaritan woman at the well was confronted with the truth that only Jesus quenches the deepest thirst.
Watch / ListenJesus Encounters: The Centurion
In his encounter with Jesus, the Centurion found one who had authority over all of creation.
Watch / Listen