Livin’ the Dream
“Living the dream” will always be a dream because we live in a world where sin abounds. Jesus showed that dying to ourselves is the way to life.
Watch / ListenLove Your Enemies
The closest you will ever come to being like Jesus in this life is when you respond to those who are hostile toward you the way He did with those who were so hostile toward Him.
Watch / ListenGuard Your Heart
Your heart is like a computer operating system, in that it directs your thoughts, decisions, and actions. The Bible tells you to “above all else, guard your heart,” but first you need to make sure that the Spirit of Jesus is your “OS.”
Watch / ListenWhy Do the Wicked Prosper?
Have you ever gotten to the place of doubting or asking God, “Where are You?” It may be that you are measuring life against a temporal value system instead of eternity. In Psalm 73, Asaph wrestles with faith “till I entered the sanctuary of God.”
Watch / ListenThe Need for Humility in a Time of Crisis
We will either humble ourselves before God, or He will humble us. If we are rooted and grounded in Christ, we find that in Him is all wisdom and all knowledge. When we acknowledge our brokenness, that is when wisdom flows.
Watch / ListenBe Strong and Courageous
When we face difficulties while believing that God is with us, and we choose to remain obedient, then we can—in His power—be strong and courageous.
Watch / ListenMinistering Out of Depletion
Sometimes we are tempted to feel that our contribution to God’s kingdom is insignificant, especially when we are feeling depleted. Yet in the storyline of all of history, it could be that, when any of us goes forth to minister in the simplest way to another person, it may change the course of the world.
Watch / ListenRadiant: Fixing Our Eyes on Jesus in Dark Days
The more we fix our gaze on the Lord, the more we become radiant, transformed, changed into His likeness and image.
Watch / ListenThe Lost Art of Dialogue
What would it look like if we would all dialogue in humility, listening to other people and considering them more highly than ourselves? Unity is the fruit of corporate humility.
Watch / ListenJoy in the Midst of Everything
Joy is the inner spiritual confidence that God’s grace is sufficient to see me through our earthly pilgrimage. There are plenty of trials and struggles in this life, but believers in Jesus can live with true joy by keeping our focus on His grace and eternity.
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