The Adventure of Joining God in His Work
God has always worked through His redeemed people. If you are a believer in Jesus, you are on God’s redemption and restoration team.
Watch / ListenWhen Shepherds Fail
When our earthly shepherds fail, the Lord is our Shepherd.
Watch / ListenThe Calm After the Storm
There is much debate and turmoil surrounding the upcoming American presidential election, even among the people of God. But we do not ultimately follow the church. We follow Jesus. And after the “storm” of this political season is over, He will still be on His throne.
Watch / ListenOur Identity in Christ
When our identity fades, our hope fades. But if our identity is in Christ, our hope will go on forever. What do you find is getting in the way of an all-consuming passion for Christ?
Watch / ListenThe Future of the Church
Jesus prayed that His church might be “one” as He and His Father are one. The global church might seem more divided than ever, but we pray that real unity will come as we focus on the central truths of the gospel message.
Watch / ListenThe Roots and Fruits of the Gospel
The more you know God, the more you will naturally express God’s love. The opposite is also true: You can’t love the world well without an understanding of who Jesus is and what His gospel means for us.
Watch / ListenA Better Healing (Or, I’ve Got Issues)
As we walk through life in this broken world, our greatest issue is not physical, mental, emotional, social, or political. Our greatest issue is spiritual. Our greatest need is to be forgiven of the sin and the debt that it incurs.
Watch / ListenThe Responsibility of the Church in a Foreign Land
Will you stand with your biblical Christian convictions against a world that is looking for evidence to confirm their suspicion that we are hypocritical, judgmental, and self-righteous?
Watch / ListenWhen a Nation Loses Its Conscience
When a nation loses its collective conscience, truth is suppressed and depravity becomes accepted and approved. Jesus didn’t come to “fix” things, but He came to redeem our lives.
Watch / ListenWhen Politics Replaces the Gospel
When we trade politics for the gospel, we forget which kingdom we are in, and we start putting our hope in the kingdom of darkness instead of the kingdom of God’s dear Son. We don’t need a problem-solver; we need a Redeemer.
Watch / Listen