Colossians, Part 2: What it Means to Walk the Walk
Eternal hope leads to faith and love, building a foundation to know God’s will through spiritual wisdom and knowledge, resulting in a walk that, by His power, is characterized by endurance, patience, and joy.
Watch / ListenColossians, Part 1: Background & Context
We must shed the elementary and deceitful teachings of this world, knowing that Christ is supreme and sufficient. And then we must live that out in the diverse body that Jesus is creating.
Watch / ListenThe Authority of Scripture, Part 2 – God Speaks
To read and understand the Bible, you must know the Author. Then you can approach the Word prayerfully, with a pure heart, and with all the reverence of approaching God Himself.
Watch / ListenThe Authority of Scripture, Part 1 – Wise Unto Salvation
There is no end to the depth of God’s Word. It is a book that gives life to the human soul and spirit. So what blocks our desire to read it and learn from it?
Watch / ListenThinking Matters
What we think is very powerful, but there is a problem with our thinking because our minds are not, by nature, God-worshiping minds. They are self-worshiping minds. “The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace” (Romans 8:6).
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