The Greatest Story Ever Told
Step into the story of the disciples walking along the Road to Emmaus with the risen Jesus and ask yourself, do you really know Him? Are you walking with Him? Are you slow of heart to believe all that the prophets and writings said about the coming Messiah? Do you live in the hope that He is coming again?
Watch / ListenThe King Has Come
Do you live like you are a child of the King? Are you ready to ask Jesus to be the King of your life?
Watch / ListenColossians, Part 10: Raising the Spiritual Bar
The letter to the Colossians ends with greetings and encouragement to others who are doing the work of ministry with Paul. Without these spiritual “soldiers” proclaiming the gospel and suffering for the kingdom of God, we would not be here as Christians today.
Watch / ListenColossians, Part 9: Be Wise and Be Humble
Humility is far more powerful than pride and can break down the barriers that pride sets up. When we are wise unto salvation and humble about sharing the gospel with others, they will likely be more receptive to hearing the truth of what the gospel is and what it isn’t.
Watch / ListenColossians, Part 8: The Gospel Transforms Slaves and Masters
The Lord Jesus Christ is your ultimate master. Do everything as though you are doing it for Him, no matter who your earthly authority is at this time.
Watch / ListenColossians, Part 7: The Christian Family
What practical difference is your faith in Christ making in your home?
Watch / ListenColossians, Part 6: Identity in Christ
A primary tactic of the enemy, our flesh, and the fallen world is to use shreds of truth to lead us to false solutions. Only Jesus Christ has the true right, power, and authority to bestow, form, and shape our identity.
Watch / ListenColossians, Part 5: Deceptive Philosophies
Paul admonished the Colossians to stop letting deceptive philosophies infiltrate the church that are human-focused, not God-focused. The primary threat to the church today is the same threat that it was to the church in the first century. Truth is not found within us, but within God’s Word.
Watch / ListenColossians, Part 4: Christ In You, The Hope of Glory
If you are a follower of Jesus Christ, then the indwelling presence of God in you is the down payment for the full measure of glory that you will receive when you get to your hope.
Watch / ListenColossians, Part 3: Knowing the True Christ
Why is it so important that we intimately know who Jesus is? Because the one whose power and glory and majesty is so far beyond what our minds can comprehend and grasp, He came for us, to reconcile us to God. We must never forget who He is and what He has done.
Watch / Listen