The Church in Acts, Part 12: The Disruptive Gospel
The gospel brings division, so we follow Him. We are wired to worship, so we worship Him. When God does not meet our expectations, we trust Him. When we experience suffering, we submit to Him.
Watch / ListenThe Church in Acts, Part 11: The First Missionary Journey
Paul’s first missionary journey shows us that we should always be prepared with the gospel message and that we must learn to discern the leading of the Holy Spirit.
Watch / ListenThe Church in Acts, Part 10: God’s Sovereign Rule
To say that God is sovereign is to acknowledge that His control is ultimate, His grace is sufficient, and His justice is perfect.
Watch / ListenThe Church in Acts, Part 9: Gentiles Receive the Gospel
Good works are insufficient for salvation. God orchestrates our encounters with those who need to hear His truth, and like He did with Peter, He stretches us for His use.
Watch / ListenThe Church in Acts, Part 8: Saul’s Transformation
God can save, transform, and use even the most unlikely of sinners. God uses people to accomplish His ends, and He wants to use you as the hands, feet, and voice to bring about His will.
Watch / ListenThe Church in Acts, Part 7: Samaria and the Ends of the Earth
Followers of Jesus are called to faithfulness in prosperity and courage in persecution.
Watch / ListenThe Church in Acts, Part 6: Deception Within, Opposition Without
When we are growing in Christ, two things will increasingly result: trust and obedience. That will lead us to have lives like Stephen’s, full of faith and full of the Holy Spirit.
Watch / ListenThe Church in Acts, Part 5: The Gospel and Opposition
Members of the church, the body of Christ, are called to be bold in their belief in Jesus and in proclaiming His name. As Peter showed, boldness is contagious.
Watch / ListenThe Church in Acts, Part 4: How Should the Church…?
The different parts of the body are to work together, using our gifts in intentional ways as we gather, grow, give and go—all for the glory of God.
Watch / ListenThe Church in Acts, Part 3: What Is the Church?
We are individuals, but we are integrally connected to one another. We are interdependent by God’s design. The Scripture describes the Church as a body, a building, a bride, and a priesthood, meant to join together for discipleship and evangelism.
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