Teaching by Tag: Salvation
The Church in Acts, Part 8: Saul’s Transformation
God can save, transform, and use even the most unlikely of sinners. God uses people to accomplish His ends, and He wants to use you as the hands, feet, and voice to bring about His will.
Watch / ListenThe Church in Acts, Part 7: Samaria and the Ends of the Earth
Followers of Jesus are called to faithfulness in prosperity and courage in persecution.
Watch / ListenThe Church in Acts, Part 5: The Gospel and Opposition
Members of the church, the body of Christ, are called to be bold in their belief in Jesus and in proclaiming His name. As Peter showed, boldness is contagious.
Watch / ListenA Psalm for All Seasons: Psalm 98
Our lives should be declarations of praise for Jesus Christ, embracing God’s salvation, celebrating His salvation, and being a messenger of His salvation.
Watch / ListenJesus Encounters: Nicodemus
In his encounter with Jesus, Nicodemus learned that salvation only comes to those who are born again.
Watch / ListenTo Live Is Christ, Part 3: Deep Partnership in the Gospel
When we declare that “to live is Christ,” it results in deep partnership in the gospel. Working together for God’s kingdom means that we will be like-minded, reliable, true servants, brothers, fellow workers, fellow soldiers, messengers, and ministers.
Watch / ListenTo Live Is Christ, Part 2: The Humility of Christ
When we declare that “to live is Christ,” we ponder the downward incarnation and upward exaltation of Jesus, and we work out our salvation with fear and trembling while doing all things without grumbling or disputing.
Watch / ListenThe Story of Jephthah: The Cautionary Tale of a Tragic Hero
Selfish ambition can be disguised as spiritual ability, though sinful people are used to accomplish God’s sovereign purposes. Syncretism has serious consequences, and salvation is only found through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
Watch / ListenThe Holy Spirit, Part 2: The Sealing of the Spirit
The Holy Spirit is the seal—a down payment or guarantee—of our future inheritance, in which we will see God face to face and reap every blessing of being fully in the kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Watch / ListenThe Holy Spirit, Part 1: Introduction
The Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity, has an immensely important role in creation, in revelation and inspiration, and in salvation.
Watch / Listen