Teaching by Tag: Community
The Church in Acts, Part 4: How Should the Church…?
The different parts of the body are to work together, using our gifts in intentional ways as we gather, grow, give and go—all for the glory of God.
Watch / ListenThe Church in Acts, Part 3: What Is the Church?
We are individuals, but we are integrally connected to one another. We are interdependent by God’s design. The Scripture describes the Church as a body, a building, a bride, and a priesthood, meant to join together for discipleship and evangelism.
Watch / ListenThe Church in Acts, Part 2: The Birth of the Church
We are not called to walk the Christian life alone. From its establishment in Acts 2, the church has been God’s instrument for providing community, support, and encouragement for His followers.
Watch / ListenThe Holy Spirit, Part 2: The Sealing of the Spirit
The Holy Spirit is the seal—a down payment or guarantee—of our future inheritance, in which we will see God face to face and reap every blessing of being fully in the kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Watch / ListenLiving Faith, Part 16: Turning Another Around
True faith will be lived out in a consistent way that includes pursuing truth, committing to Christ-centered community, and being willing to engage in hard conversations.
Watch / ListenLiving Faith, Part 15: Fervent Prayer
God takes the prayers of His people and weaves them providentially and sovereignly into His plans, for our encouragement and for His glory. The community is built up when we pray.
Watch / ListenLiving Faith, Part 6: A Living Faith Validated by Works
Faith comes to its full fruition, validation, and completion when it finds its natural outgrowth in effective works that reflect the faith we say we have.
Watch / ListenThe Names of God: YHWH
The most personal of God’s names is Yahweh, a name that represents all the various moral attributes that God displays in relationship to His creation.
Watch / ListenAbounding Love
Our love abounds more and more by receiving the Holy Spirit, approving what is excellent, being pure and blameless, and being filled with the fruits of righteousness.
Watch / ListenA Blessed Life
Life is short. Eternity is long. Invest heavily in the latter.
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