Teaching by Speaker: Jim Supp
The Holy Spirit, Part 9: Q & A Panel
As a follow-up to our teaching series on the Holy Spirit, we asked our congregation to send in questions they had about any topics covered (or not covered) during the series.
Watch / ListenAbounding in Hope, Part 5: Hope in Christ Brings Meaning in This Life
There is no meaning in this life apart from Christ, but in Christ, there is meaning for this life.
Watch / ListenAbounding in Hope, Part 4: Hope in Our Conformity to Christ
Conformity to Christ is a journey that starts with seeking to know Him, is built on submission to Him, is a process that takes time, is a journey through suffering.
Watch / ListenAbounding in Hope, Part 3: The Return of Christ and Our Eternal Home
Embracing hope means recognizing that this world is not our home, that the return of Christ is certain, and that our eternal home is secure.
Watch / ListenAbounding in Hope, Part 2: A ‘Know So’ Hope
A “know so” hope means recognizing that doubting is human, that this life is not all there is, that this life does not compare to what is to come, and that this world’s trouble is temporary.
Watch / ListenAbounding in Hope, Part 1: The Desperate Need of All People
Hope is the confident trust in the promises of God about that which is yet to take place. The need for hope is universal, begins with godly fear, and walks the road of biblical lament.
Watch / ListenThe Holy Spirit, Part 8: Freedom in the Spirit
In Jesus Christ, our daily walk with His Holy Spirit brings true freedom. Freedom is not doing whatever we want, but wisely living by the law of love.
Watch / ListenThe Holy Spirit, Part 5: Keep in Step
Our job is to move through life in tandem with the Holy Spirit, being able to follow His lead on every turn. We keep in step with the Spirit by renewing our minds in the Word every day, but learning to discern, and by seeking wise counsel.
Watch / ListenLiving Faith, Part 16: Turning Another Around
True faith will be lived out in a consistent way that includes pursuing truth, committing to Christ-centered community, and being willing to engage in hard conversations.
Watch / ListenLiving Faith, Part 15: Fervent Prayer
God takes the prayers of His people and weaves them providentially and sovereignly into His plans, for our encouragement and for His glory. The community is built up when we pray.
Watch / Listen