Teaching by Speaker: Jim Supp
The Church in Acts, Part 7: Samaria and the Ends of the Earth
Followers of Jesus are called to faithfulness in prosperity and courage in persecution.
Watch / ListenThe Church in Acts, Part 4: How Should the Church…?
The different parts of the body are to work together, using our gifts in intentional ways as we gather, grow, give and go—all for the glory of God.
Watch / ListenThe Church in Acts, Part 3: What Is the Church?
We are individuals, but we are integrally connected to one another. We are interdependent by God’s design. The Scripture describes the Church as a body, a building, a bride, and a priesthood, meant to join together for discipleship and evangelism.
Watch / ListenThe Church in Acts, Part 2: The Birth of the Church
We are not called to walk the Christian life alone. From its establishment in Acts 2, the church has been God’s instrument for providing community, support, and encouragement for His followers.
Watch / ListenA Psalm for All Seasons: Psalm 121
God’s provision and providence are perpetual, protective, and pervasive. Therefore, we are to trust God, set goals for the future, and serve Him with boldness.
Watch / ListenA Psalm for All Seasons: Psalm 98
Our lives should be declarations of praise for Jesus Christ, embracing God’s salvation, celebrating His salvation, and being a messenger of His salvation.
Watch / ListenA Psalm for All Seasons: Psalm 51
Brokenness brings a cry for mercy, leads to owning our sin, leads to seeking cleansing, leads to seeking restoration, and leads to true worship.
Watch / ListenA Psalm for All Seasons: Psalm 13
The world has taught us to complain and mistrust God. The Bible teaches us the art of living in the tension of the sovereign control of God and the pain of this world.
Watch / ListenA Psalm for All Seasons: Psalm 34
Creating a theology of thanksgiving means that we bless the Lord at all times and seek safety in Him, while knowing that the Lord is our provision, that thankfulness leads to obedience, that He remains near to the broken, and that He delivers the righteous.
Watch / ListenA Psalm for All Seasons: Psalm 5
An imprecatory psalm, like Psalm 5, includes a humble pursuit of God, a declaration of God’s control, a request for His guidance, and a request for divine judgment.
Watch / Listen