Teaching by Speaker: David Wright
Paul’s Loving Charge to the Church, Part 8: Teach, Train, Toil
The call on Timothy, and the call on all of us, no matter how we serve the body of Christ, is to keep a close watch on both our life and doctrine.
Watch / ListenA Heritage from the Lord
Psalm 127 shows that children are a heritage from God, a protection for their parents, and a hope for the future.
Watch / ListenTo Live Is Christ, Part 2: The Humility of Christ
When we declare that “to live is Christ,” we ponder the downward incarnation and upward exaltation of Jesus, and we work out our salvation with fear and trembling while doing all things without grumbling or disputing.
Watch / ListenThe Story of Jephthah: The Cautionary Tale of a Tragic Hero
Selfish ambition can be disguised as spiritual ability, though sinful people are used to accomplish God’s sovereign purposes. Syncretism has serious consequences, and salvation is only found through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
Watch / ListenThe Holy Spirit, Part 9: Q & A Panel
As a follow-up to our teaching series on the Holy Spirit, we asked our congregation to send in questions they had about any topics covered (or not covered) during the series.
Watch / ListenThe Holy Spirit, Part 3: The Filling of the Spirit
The “filling of the Holy Spirit” happens when the Spirit empowers a Christian to give unique witness to Jesus Christ through verbal proclamation and holy living.
Watch / ListenThe Holy Spirit, Part 2: The Sealing of the Spirit
The Holy Spirit is the seal—a down payment or guarantee—of our future inheritance, in which we will see God face to face and reap every blessing of being fully in the kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Watch / ListenLiving Faith, Part 12: Pride, Planning, and Perspective
Christians should not arrogantly make plans independent of life’s frailty and God’s sovereignty. Rather, we are to go about the business of life with a humble dependence on God.
Watch / Listen