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Regathering for Worship
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We are excited to announce that RBC will reopen for in-person Sunday worship services beginning Sunday, July 12.
The video above is an announcement from Dr. Ed Lee, one of our church elders. Below, you will find an overview of precautions we are taking given that the COVID-19 pandemic is still ongoing.
We will open July 12 for in-person Sunday worship with two services at our regular times of 9:00am and 10:45 a.m. Each service will be limited to 160 attendees.
Iglesia Hispana will meet in the sanctuary at 6:00 p.m. starting July 12. Click here for more information on Iglesia Hispana’s reopening protocols.
To accommodate those who are high-risk for infection as well as those who do not yet feel comfortable attending in-person, we will livestream our services through live.restonbible.org and YouTube.
There will be no Children’s Ministry, Sr. High and Jr. High Youth Ministry or HomeFront gatherings at this time. These will continue in their current virtual formats for now.
As we regather for Sunday services, we believe it is wise to do so conservatively with the expectation of relaxing these requirements as time goes on.
Face masks and social distancing will be required at all times while inside the building in order to mitigate the risks of spreading COVID-19. Children 2 years and older should wear a face mask, but for children unable to tolerate masks, a face shield may be used.
We have removed every other row in the sanctuary and ask that you leave 3 seats between you and the next family in the row in which you are seated. Until a row is full, please leave the inside aisle seats open to accommodate those with mobility or medical considerations. Ushers will be on-hand to help as needed.
In addition to these precautions, only the Sanctuary, lobby and first floor restrooms will be accessible. Our cleaning staff will regularly disinfect these areas.
Hand sanitizer will be widely available as well as face masks for those who do not have them.
In order to accommodate proper space/seating for the recommended 6-foot distancing, an online RSVP is required to attend Sunday services for now. This will also allow us to contact attendees should a coronavirus outbreak occur within our body.
The form above will allow you to reserve a number of seats for you and your family. When a service is full, registration options for that service will no longer appear.
If you have recently been sick, had recent contact with someone who tested positive with COVID-19 or if you develop any symptoms of illness (i.e. fever, cough, runny nose, loss of smell, etc.), please worship from home via the livestream or sermon archives. Exercise discernment in attending any public gathering if you or your family may be particularly susceptible to COVID-19 for any reason, including these “high risk” factors per the CDC.
If you registered to attend but need to cancel, please contact Dale Peak so we can reopen the registration form in order that others may attend.
While we are excited to begin to worship together once again, even in a limited capacity, we don’t know how long these precautions will remain in place. The elders recognize that these precautions may be inconvenient or even off-putting to some. However, after much prayer and deliberation, we believe the benefits of beginning to gather again as a church body outweigh the inconveniences of masks and social distancing.
We will continue to pray, seek counsel, and monitor the progress of the virus in our area with the goal of gradually relaxing these precautions.
If you have any questions about attending, please email us.