Living On Mission is where the congregation of Reston Bible Church comes together to focus on our local mission field of Northern Virginia.

Jesus asked us to pray that the Lord of the harvest would send laborers into His fields what are ready for harvest. The Living On Mission ministry is committed to provide training, resources, and opportunities for us love our neighbors and share the greatest news they have never heard. We pray that that God will equip us to live on mission every day and by His power and grace bring many to know Him personally. For more information or to ask questions contact Bob Shull at

How can you get involved?

Living On Mission 101

Living On Mission 101 is the core course at Reston Bible Church that can help you move past your fears, remove the guilt, and give you the means to share your faith with confidence. This course is designed to address the many factors that keep us from sharing our faith and then give you the tools and the experience to tell others the greatest news they have never heard!

Check back later for upcoming courses.

The Engagement Project

This essential training course is for all who consider RBC their church home and will help us understand the singular calling we each have from God; to love our neighbors and as we do, to introduce them to Jesus.

March 2, 2025 | Sundays at 9:00 am | Room 250B
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Taking It to the Streets

This is a periodic gospel outreach where you will be in a small group with a trained leader who will take the lead in engaging people in spiritual conversations with the hope of sharing Jesus in a personal, respectful way.

Contact Pastor Bob Shull for more info.

Men On Mission

The Men On Mission Group has come out of a desire expressed by men who took the Dads On Mission Class over the two years. They asked if there was a way that they could continue meet and purse the teaching, fellowship, and focus that the class had given them. The answer now is, yes!

Check back later for upcoming groups.

Radical Like Jesus

If you are planning to read Greg Stier's Radical Like Jesus book and take on the 21 challenges it gives – we would love to invite you to join the RBC “Radical Like Jesus” GROUP!

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Dads on Mission

Our children are in the process of owning their faith and they are watching their parents in their walk with God. This class will help dads remove obstacles that are keeping them from sharing and giving them the tools and practical ways for you be able to share the gospel with those around you.

Check back for upcoming dates

RBC Resources

The goals of the team start with encouraging each other to live on mission and asking the Lord to bear much fruit through their obedience. This involves them authentically loving their neighbors, coworkers, and extended family. For some, they will also be living on mission in context of the children, youth, and adult ministries, etc.

The second goal of this group will be to come together to take on outreach opportunities that are available at RBC so that the body of RBC can join them. This team can help those who are newly trained in sharing the gospel to get experience by sharing with people on the street. They can help us reach out to visitors who have come to RBC and welcome them and hearing their journey with God. There are many additional opportunities we would love to make available to the body at RBC but will need the leadership from the Living On Mission Team to carry them out. We trust God to provide for the things that He is leading us to do in making Christ known as a church.

The group will meet on the first Sunday of the month at RBC from 12:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. in Room 250. Our time together will start by having fellowship over lunch allowing us to personally connect.

The group will have an extended time of sharing updates on how the Lord has been working in our lives and in the ministries where we serve. We will then have a briefing on the current outreach opportunities available. The team leadership will share from the word and give an encouragement or training in our following after Jesus on mission. Lastly, we will pray though the things that God has put on our heart asking Him to lead and bear fruit. The group will also use a communication tool that will allow us to communicate between our monthly meetings.

We encourage those who join the Living on Mission Team to take the course “Living On Mission 101” which covers the foundational aspects of how to share your faith. We also would like team members to take the Engagement Project training which is a 10-week class done in a small group setting. It does a great job training us how to live on mission in a culture that seems to make doing that difficult.

We pray that God will build a team that will grow together in our ability to be ambassadors for Christ to those around us and to see the love, power, and grace of God lead many to come to know our Savior.

As a follow-up to The Engagement Project video series, we’ve produced a small group video curriculum taught by our Pastor of Community Engagement, Bob Shull. To get access to this series, email Bob.
Click here to see video testimonies from RBCers who are reaching out to their neighbors with the love of Jesus.

Other Resources

A video you can share with your friends for them to “see” the gospel

Got Questions

Website you can give friends to find answers to their questions.

He Gets Us

Videos that show that “He gets us!”

I Am Second

Testimony videos of dealing with life and coming to Christ.