Volunteer Resources

Jesus said, “For even the Son of man did not come to be served but to serve and give His life as a ransom for many” Mark 10:45

Volunteers are the backbone of the Children’s Ministry and we want you to be equipped to BE all that designed you to be and experience the joy of serving.

Here are resources that will hopefully enable you to sow seeds of the gospel into the lives of children in the next generation so that they would know Christ and make Him known.

Thank you for storing treasures in heaven and partnering with us in the gospel of Jesus Christ (Matthew 6:21).

Children’s Ministry Handbook

We are so pleased to have you on the team. There is something essential about human beings as children that the Creator knows. It is plain to see throughout His revealed Word. Children are precious and they must be reached and taught GOD’s truth when they are young.

Download the handbook

Volunteer Orientation

We have created training materials to equip you to minister to the families of RBC! The first page is required for all volunteers. After that, complete different tracks depending on your specific area of service to complete your QUEST orientation!

Complete Volunteer Orientation Re-Take the CM Handbook Quiz Here

Grade School (1st-5th) Lesson Guide

Fall 2023 will launch our Extreme Makeover study! This series will extend through Summer 2024, and in it, 1st-5th graders will be looking closely at the sanctification process. They’ll learn about what sanctification is and what the product of that transformation should be, according to Scripture.

Download the curriculum

Preschool 2024 Summer Lesson Materials

Our 3’s, 4’s, and Kindergarten classes use the Jesus Storybook Bible to learn how the entire Bible from beginning to end is pointing to Jesus and His love for us.

Download the lessons Download the lesson calendar

Baby Quest 2023-2024 Calendar

QUEST infants, toddlers, and two year olds follow a curriculum based on the Hug-a-Bible by Sally Lloyd Jones. The little ones learn basic biblical truths focusing on a simple Bible story each month through age appropriate activities and play based learning.

Download the 2022-2023 Calendar Download the Lesson Guide

Leader’s Choice Resources

We have created a folder with extra lessons, coloring pages, printables, etc., for Leader’s Choice weeks or if you need additional materials on Sunday morning. We will be adding to it throughout the year so check back often!

View the resources