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Women’s Spring Conference

March 28 - March 29

Reston Bible Church


Are you feeling overwhelmed? Too much to do and never enough time to do it?

Do you keep promising yourself that you’ll be more intentional about diving into your faith? You’re not alone in this struggle! Join us March 28 and 29 as we welcome Allison Wilks, a seasoned teacher of the Bible, to help us gain perspective about redeeming our time. She will help us understand that we are created on purpose and for a purpose by God who has considered all of our limits and designed us to thrive. We will be gathering on campus at RBC Friday evening and Saturday morning. It will be worth your time, so come gather with your sisters in Christ and be refreshed in the Word together!

The cost for the conference is $25, which includes lunch on Saturday.

Registration for the Women’s Conference has now closed. We may be able to accommodate your registration request if space allows. Please contact Revathi Gopu at revathi@restonbible.org for more information. Thank you.

About the Speaker

From Allison Wilks: My greatest joy is belonging to Jesus. I love the Bible and the God who has declared His glory on every page. I am a born and raised Alabamian, a graduate of Auburn University with a Bachelor of Arts in Communication and a Master of Arts in Theological Studies from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. I have been a Bible teacher and Christian women’s event speaker for almost twenty years. My desire and daily striving is to proclaim the gospel and point people to Jesus every time I open His Word, and every time I open my mouth!

Basic Schedule

Friday, March 28
6:00pm – Doors Open
7:00pm – Program Begins
9:00pm – Evening Wrap Up

Saturday, March 29
8:30am – Doors Open
9:00am – Program Begins
11:15am – Lunch
12:15pm – Final Session
1:00pm – Conference End


March 28
March 29


Kris Fredericks


Reston Bible Church
45650 Oakbrook Court
Dulles, VA 20166 United States
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