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Jr. High: Mother-Son “Games, Guns ‘n Roses”

April 4 | 6:30 pm - 9:30 pm

RBC Youth Building


Moms (Grandmas, Aunts!), this is your chance to have a great night with your special Jr. High Guy.

Mother/Grandma/Aunt and son teams will start in the main church building and play some bonding (and competitive!) games together. Then the Nerf battles will commence! Participants must
register for this event so that supplies will be plentiful.

There is a $25 cost per family. Space is limited, so act now! Earn points as you compete together! Sweet prizes await the victors.

Register Here


April 4
6:30 pm - 9:30 pm


RBC Youth Building
45650 Oakbrook Court
Dulles, VA 20166 United States
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