God’s mercy requires us to relieve suffering and makes us sensitive to others’ trials in order to be His love to them during a time of need.
Scripture tells us to “bear one another’s burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ” (Galatians 6:2). Thus, RBC has appointed a specific group of men and women in our church to help bear the burdens of those in need within our congregation. Below, you will find some basic information on deacons and the Deacon Ministry, and you can find additional details in the FAQ section.
What is a deacon?
Briefly, a deacon is one who serves others in the love of Christ. We believe a deacon is a unique type of servant who meets specific biblical qualifications, is examined, and then appointed to an official public position with prescribed duties given by the church elders.
What do deacons do?
The responsibilities of deacons at RBC are primarily to coordinate financial resources and assistance to meet the material needs of the congregation at Reston Bible Church. They will particularly extend love and care for widows and widowers within our body.
How are deacons chosen?
Deacon nominees may be submitted by anyone who considers RBC their church home. Elders will interview the nominees. Candidates are then brought before the congregation for feedback, and the elders will appoint selected candidates as deacons.
How do I nominate someone to be a deacon?
If you feel a nominee meets the deacon qualifications outlined here, the first step is to get their permission to nominate them. Once you have the nominee’s permission, please fill out this online nomination form. We will then contact them and walk them through the rest of the nomination process.
I’ve been nominated to serve as a deacon. What happens next?
If you have accepted a nomination to be a deacon, we will direct you to an online application form that will help us get to know you. Once you have submitted this form, we will review and contact you with further details.
If you have any questions or would like additional information about the Deacons Ministry of Reston Bible Church, please explore the FAQ section or email deacons@restonbible.org.