Sunday Rewind | 12.30.12
Exalted One (Psalm 121:1-2) – For the Honor by Elevation Worship
Lord of All (Psalm 97:5-6) – Attention by Kristian Stanfill
Agnus Dei (Revelation 5:12) – Original Arrangement
Glorious (Psalm 111:2-3) – Glorious by Paul Baloche
Great In All the Earth (Psalm 47:1-2) – I Will Go by Starfield
Our culture prizes busyness while avoiding suffering at all costs. Yet, Scripture tells us we will suffer and calls us to work from rest, not just rest from work. As we enter this new year, seek Him for physical, spiritual and geographical rest. Live a life of saying “yes” to God from a place of rest, despite whatever our circumstances may be.
WHERE’S THE SERMON AUDIO/VIDEO? Due to the ministry location of our speaker this weekend, we are not able to post the sermon media online. You can, however, request an audio CD at the RBC Bookstore (located in the lobby by the stairs) between Sunday services.
- If you heard last weekend’s sermon, what is one principle or insight that stands out as being particularly helpful, insightful, or memorable?
- Read and discuss Hebrews 1:1-4. What do these verses tell you about Jesus? What are the implications for your personal faith in Him?
- Read and discuss Hebrews 4. What do you observe about suffering and rest in this chapter?
- Do you find it difficult to rest? Why or why not?
- How does the gospel encourage us to rest in Jesus?
- What would it look like for you to rest physically, spiritually and geographically as you enter this new year?
- Is there something God is currently asking you to say “yes” to? What would it look like to say “yes” to His calling from a place of rest? Spend some time in prayer with your small group about this.
Sunday Rewind | 12.16.2012
Angels We Have Heard on High (Luke 2:13-14) – Christmas Offerings by Third Day
Hark The Herald Angels Sing (Luke 2:9-10) – Original Arrangement
I Lift My Hands (Psalm 46:10) – And If Our God Is For Us… by Chris Tomlin
Mighty To Save (Zephaniah 3:17) – Yahweh by Hillsong Chapel
God, You Lifted Me Out (Psalm 30:1-2) – For The Honor by Elevation Worship
Always (Psalm 121:1-2) – Here For You by Kristian Stanfill (Passion)
Pastor Wayne Johnson takes a look at the life of Peter, whose world was rocked by Jesus’ call to follow Him. What was it about Jesus that so captivated Peter’s heart? The way Jesus captured Peter’s heart is the same way He captures ours, and we will live for and from whatever captures our hearts.
- If Pastor Wayne were to give an abbreviated version of last Sunday’s messages, what one or two points would you tell him to make sure he leaves in, no matter what?
- Read and discuss 1 Peter 1:3-9. What do these verses tell you about Jesus? What are the implications for your personal faith in Him?
- Our culture values privacy, busyness, and comfort. What else does our culture value?
- How does does the Gospel go against the grain of our culture?
- In what ways can culture distort the Gospel? How can culture be used as a vessel for the Gospel?
- What do you find captivating about the person of Jesus Christ?
- Was there ever an area in your life as a Christian where you sensed Jesus’ call to follow Him? What happened? Is there an area in your life now where He is asking you to follow Him? Pray about this area with your small group.
Sunday Rewind | 12.9.2012
O Come All Ye Faithful (Luke 2:14-15) – Original Arrangement
Awesome is the Lord Most High (Psalm 47:1-2) – See the Morning by Chris Tomlin
In Christ Alone (Philippians 3:7-8) – Original Arrangement
Hosanna (Mark 11:9-10) – All of the Above by Hillsong
Your Love O Lord (Psalm 36:7) – Original Arrangement
TEACHING: Taking God Seriously – Part 4
How often do we allow our personal prejudices and biases dictate how we view – and treat – other people? As Pastor Mike teaches through the final chapter of Jonah, we see that to take God seriously, we must take people seriously – even when they are different than we are.
- As you reflect on this sermon, what is one principle or insight that stands out as as being particularly helpful, insightful or difficult to grasp?
- Read and discuss Jonah 4. What do you learn about the nature of God? What do you observe about the nature of man?
- What is the significance of the plant in these verses?
- Where is Jonah’s prejudice or bias evident in these verses?
- “Christians have become really good at being good.” Do you agree or disagree? Why? What are the implications of this statement?
- Why is the human heart pulled to bigotry? How do you see this played out in the world? How do you see it played out in the church?
- How does the Gospel of Christ deal with our bent toward bias, prejudice and bigotry?
Sunday Rewind | 12.2.2012
Glorious (Psalm 111:2-3) – Everything Glorious by Chris Tomlin (Passion)
God Is With Us (Psalm 46:10-11a) – Louder Than Creation by Michael Olson (North Point)
With Us (Psalm 46:10-11a) – God Is Able by Hillsong
Sing, Sing, Sing (Psalms 47:6-7) – Hello Love by Chris Tomlin
All Creatures Of Our God And King (Psalm 148:13) – Original Arrangement
How Great Is Our God (Psalms 145:3-4) – Arriving by Chris Tomlin
TEACHING: Taking God Seriously – Part 3
Obedience is a key part of the Christian life, and God enables us in whatever He has called us to. It is not our purpose as Christ-followers to pass moral judgement on the world and society at-large. Rather, we are to uphold the testimony of the Gospel by holding fellow Christians accountable to obedience to the Word of God.
- What’s one thing from this sermon that you hope we talk about as a group?
- Read and discuss Jonah 3. What do you learn about the nature of God? What do you observe about the nature of man?
- In Jonah 3:1, what is the significance of God coming to Jonah a “second time”?
- Can a person take God seriously without obeying Him? What role does obedience play in the Christian life?
- Do you think Christians are known most for what we are against, rather than what we are for? Why?
- Discuss this statement. Do you agree or disagree and why? “As followers of Christ, we do not have the right to impose our moral views on society.”
- Has God ever given you a specific calling to do or be something or to go somewhere?
- Have you been obedient to that calling? If yes, how did you experience God’s enabling? If no, how can your small group encourage you toward obedience?
Sunday Rewind | 11.25.2012
Alive In Us (Ephesians 2:4-5) – God Is Able by Hillsong
Give Me Faith (Psalm 73:25-26) – For The Honor by Elevation Worship
Always (Psalm 121:1-2) – Here For You by Kristian Stanfill (Passion)
God Is Able (Ephesians 3:20-21) – God Is Able by Hillsong
Jesus Paid It All (Colossians 2:13-14) – North Point Live by Kristian Stanfill (North Point)
TEACHING: Taking God Seriously – Part 2
Jonah needed some dramatic encounters with God’s all-knowing, all-powerful presence to take Him seriously – including being swallowed alive by a great fish. Such divine discipline is painful, but God can use it to bring us closer to Him and to prepare us for greater ministry.
- Can you remember a time where you felt like you were receiving chastening or discipline from the Lord? How did that time affect your life afterward?
- Read Jonah’s prayer in Chapter 2. What truths about God does Jonah cling to?
- How are “the big three” attributes of God revealed in this chapter – omniscience (God knows all things), omnipotence (God has all power over all things), omnipresence (God is everywhere)?
- How have you experienced the “bait and switch” nature of sin? Is there an area right now where you’re believing that “life will be better when…”?
Sunday Rewind | 11.19.2012
Our King Has Come (Romans 5:1-2) – For The Honor by Elevation Worship
How Great Thou Art (Psalm 145:3) – Original Arrangement
Always (Psalm 121:1-2) – Here For You by Kristian Stanfill (Passion)
Unending Love (Romans 8:38-39) – God Is Able by Hillsong
I Stand Amazed (2 Corinthians 8:9) – North Point Live by Candi Shelton (North Point)
TEACHING: Taking God Seriously – Part 1
The story of Jonah is about a man who knows God and has sound theology, but does not take Him seriously. In this way, the story of Jonah is really the story of our lives. We are more fearful of those who might find out about the hidden aspects of our lives rather than the One who already knows. All sin can be traced back to not taking God seriously.
- As you reflect on this sermon, what insight, idea or statement really stuck with you? Why?
- Has there ever been a time in your life when you felt like you were running from God? What happened?
- Read and discuss Jonah 1. What does this chapter tell you about the nature of man? What does it tell you about God?
- How are “the big three” attributes of God revealed in this chapter – omniscience (God knows all things), omnipotence (God has all power over all things), omnipresence (God is everywhere)?
- What are some ways you see yourself reflected in Jonah?
- Is there currently an area of your life where you are not taking God seriously? Spend some time in prayer with your small group for these areas.
Sunday Rewind | 11.11.12
The Church – For the Honor by Elevation Worship
Let Our Kingdom Come (Psalm 59:16-17) – Valley of Vision by Sovereign Grace Music
Great in All the Earth (Psalm 47:1-2) – I Will Go by Starfield
Glorious (Psalm 72:18-19) – Glorious by Paul Baloche
TEACHING: The World Is Waiting – 2012 Missions Conference
As part of RBC’s annual Missions Conference, nine missionaries from every corner of the globe joined us last week to share how God has been working in their respective ministries.
Listen to Bill Hurley’s November 4 message, “On Mission”
- Share anything new you learned this week about missions work, or about any of the countries and regions represented by RBC missionaries.
- Read Romans 1. How does this passage change the way you think about sharing the Gospel? How does it affect your view of missions?
- Is it more important to be a missionary “goer” or a “sender”?
- Are you willing to follow God wherever may lead you? If you are comfortable, talk about the calling God has placed on your life and whether you feel like you’re pursuing it.
- Spend some time praying for the missionaries we heard from this week, or any of the other RBC missionaries. Learn more here about ways you can pray.
Sunday Rewind | 11.4.12
O Worship The King (Psalm 145:9-10) – Hymns Ancient & Modern by Chris Tomlin (Passion)
With Us (Psalm 46:10-11a) – God Is Able by Hillsong
Majesty (Isaiah 53:5) – Majesty: The Worship EP by Leeland
Lord Of All (Psalm 97:5-6) – Attention by Kristian Stanfill
Beautiful Jesus (Romans 1:20) – Attention by Kristian Stanfill
TEACHING: On Mission
God is always working. He is a life-changing God that cares deeply about what goes on in our lives on this side of Paradise. He is constantly prompting us to share our faith with those around us and calling us to bring the Gospel to those living in the far reaches of His creation.
- If Bill Hurley were to give an abbreviated version of last weekend’s message, what one point would you have him include, no matter what?
- What causes us to hold back from sharing the Gospel with others?
- Does your heart “burn” when God reveals something to you through His Word? In other ways?
- What are some specific examples in scripture in which God shows us His care for this life?
- How has God truly changed your life?
Sunday Rewind | 10.28.2012
God Is With Us (Psalm 46:10-11a) – Louder Than Creation by Michael Olson (North Point)
Raise Up The Crown (Psalm 148:13) – Hymns Ancient & Modern by Chris Tomlin (Passion)
The Solid Rock (Psalm 18:2) – Original Arrangement
I Lift My Hands (Lamentations 3:22-23) – Hello Love by Chris Tomlin
You Never Let Go (Psalm 23:4) – Beautiful News by Matt Redman
TEACHING: The Next Generation Church – Lives Generously
Our natural tendency is to believe that it is always better to receive than it is to give, and so we typically feel guilty when addressed about generosity. But in 2 Corinthians 8, scripture gives us an equation for generosity that is only possible through the grace of Christ Jesus: Great Trial + Tremendous Poverty = Joyful Generosity. Guilt leads to “spot giving.” Gratefulness leads to a lifestyle of generosity.
- If Pastor Mike were to give an abbreviated version of last weekend’s message, what two points would you have him include, no matter what?
- Read and discuss 2 Corinthians 8:1-12. What do these verses tell you about the nature of man? What do these verses tell you about Jesus?
- What practical application do these verses have for our church? What are the implications for you personally?
- Why is guilt so often associated with money? Why is guilt a poor motivator toward generosity?
- How is Jesus the ultimate motivator toward generosity?
- A couple weeks ago, the discussion questions included this question regarding “The Cheerio Principle”: “What ‘Cheerios’ in your life do you have trouble letting go of?” Do you feel you’ve grown in that area over the last few weeks? Why or why not?
- How do you feel that you are doing in the area of Christ-centered, gospel-proclaiming generosity? What adjustments could you make in your life in order to grow in joyful generosity? Spend some time in prayer for these as a small group.
Sunday Rewind | 10.21.2012
Sing, Sing, Sing (Psalm 47:6-7) – Hello Love by Chris Tomlin
Alive In Us (Ephesians 2:4-5) – God Is Able by Hillsong
By Faith (Psalm 145:13) – Awaken the Dawn by Keith & Kristyn Getty
Beautiful Lord (Ephesians 2:4-5) – Sound of Melodies by Leeland
God Is Able (Ephesians 3:20-21) – God Is Able by Hillsong
TEACHING: The Next Generation Church – Reaches Globally
As an extension of knowing Christ, making Him known, and loving locally, the next generation church must also reach globally, beyond their immediate borders. Pastor Mike looks at the unlikely parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10) as a basis for global missions and the advancement of the gospel throughout the nations.
- What is one thing from this sermon that you hope to talk about as a small group?
- What experience have you had with “reaching globally” (mission trips, etc.)?
- Read and discuss Luke 10:25-37. What do these verses tell you about the nature of man? What do you learn about Jesus? What do these verses tell us about the gospel?
- What does the parable of the Good Samaritan show us about reaching globally?
- In the parable, the thieves wanted something for nothing. The religious people wanted nothing for nothing. The innkeeper wanted something for doing something. The Samaritan was willing to get nothing for doing something. Who do you most identify with? Why?
- How is Jesus the perfect “Good Samaritan”?
- Is there anything that keeps you from “reaching globally” with the gospel of Jesus Christ? What adjustments could you make in your life in order to engage globally for the sake of the gospel? Spend some time in prayer for these as a small group.