Stay the Course: Hypocrisy, Part 2
Hypocrisy is when we purposefully project a life that is completely different than how we are actually living. This is not the same as being overtaken by sin. Anyone can be overtaken by any sin at any time.
Stay the Course: Hypocrisy, Part 1
The church is full of hypocrites, but could it be that we have a false definition of what hypocrisy is? If the church doesn’t have a clear understanding, we can’t expect society to either.
Stay the Course: The Problem with Problems, Part 11
Jesus makes it clear that the real source of human problems is the human heart. When the problem tries to solve the problem, that’s a problem. We need a Savior.
Stay the Course: The Problem with Problems, Part 10
Problems are no respecter of persons, families, cities or nations. They blanket the globe, keeping warm the next generation of problems.
Stay the Course: The Problem with Problems, Part 9
Problems are fertile soil for blame-shifting. The nature of man is to never take full responsibility for the issues at hand while believing he can turn Earth into Heaven.
Stay the Course: The Problem with Problems, Part 8
A problem can have a single source, but require multiple solutions. If we put our hope in something other than Christ, we will be forever disappointed.
Stay the Course: The Problem with Problems, Part 7
Problems are often created by previous solutions. Our efforts to correct our problems apart from God just leads to more problems.
Stay the Course: The Problem with Problems, Part 6
Problems always outnumber solutions, so pray to the Lord for grace every single day.
Stay the Course: The Problem with Problems, Part 5
Problems are always out ahead of solutions. Set your expectations accordingly.
Stay the Course: The Problem with Problems, Part 4
Problems move at the speed of light. Solutions move at the speed of snails.