Stay the Course: Is Religion a Crutch?
Is religion a crutch?
Stay the Course: Is God Obligated to Do All He is Able?
Is God obligated to do everything He is able to do?
Stay the Course: Becoming People of Encouragement
Are you more discouraged with life than encouraged by life? Bear the burdens of others by becoming a person of encouragement.
Stay the Course: Simple Answers to Complex Questions
Can God create a rock so large He couldn’t lift it? How can you trust the Bible? Hasn’t science proven the Bible isn’t true? We all come across difficult questions, but often the answers are simpler than we think.
Stay the Course: Eight Questions I Ask Married Couples
Your spouse is likely harboring things they’d love to correct in you. We’ll admit to the surface stuff, but are you willing to go deeper? Stepping into their world with open, humble dialogue is key to cultivating a marriage that thrives.
Stay the Course: Dealing With Sin
You can’t just “stop sinning.” And with sin, there’s always something lurking behind the surface. Ask the Lord to examine your heart. Once you determine the root cause, then you can apply the eternal perspectives of the gospel.
Stay the Course: The Trajectory of Sin
We often think we have a handle on our sin, but Scripture shows us a different picture. It may look tame on the surface, but what lies beneath? Sin is always trying to take us further than we ever though we’d go.
Stay the Course: Wisdom, Part 9
Be wise by recognizing that human pride is the greatest barrier to true dialogue. Have a humble, teachable spirit and set aside your pride.
Stay the Course: Wisdom, Part 8
Be wise by navigating adversarial dialogue with civil words. Gracious words, seasoned with kindness, will tear down barriers.
Stay the Course: Wisdom, Part 7
Be wise in dialogue by determining to prepare through prayer — especially when the dialogue is adversarial.