Family Quest: Kaboom! Lesson 5

Being sold into slavery…good or bad? Being chased by a mad King…good or bad? Losing everything you own or hold dear in an utter catastrophe…good or bad?
How many trials and tribulations have you suffered through only to see, on the other side, the good that God intended?
“Natural” forces, life and death, peoples’ hearts, fertility, nations, leaders, battles, good, evil…Who is in control? Is anyone in control of all of these? If so, who and what does it mean to me?
Download Lesson 5– – –
ABOUT FAMILY QUEST: At Reston Bible Church, we firmly believe that parents are a child’s first and most important spiritual leader. In order to support you that mission, we have created a parent devotional and some discussion starters to go along with each lesson your grade school age children are learning at Quest on Sundays. Our hope and prayer is that this material will help you to engage with your children around the topics they are learning on Sunday mornings, answer their questions, go deeper with them, and find real, day-to-day applications. We are honored to be able to partner with you in the critical task of sharing Christ with the next generation.
QUEST: Preschool Lesson for July 24
This week’s reading from the Jesus Storybook Bible:
“Filled Full,” p. 244
This week’s Big Idea:
Jesus is God, so He can do things other people cannot do!
This week’s Key Verse:
Matthew 19:26
Family Quest: Kaboom! Lesson 4

The following is taken from “Divine Omnipotence” by Dr. Sam Storms of Enjoying God Ministries:
“A reason for praise – Stephen Charnock explains:
“Wisdom and power are the ground of the respect we give to men; they being both infinite in God, are the foundation of a solemn honor to be returned to him by his creatures. If a man makes a curious engine, we honor him for his skill; if another vanquish a vigorous enemy, we admire him for his strength; and shall not the efficacy of God’s power in creation, government, redemption, inflame us with a sense of the honor of his name and perfections!”
Download Lesson 4– – –
ABOUT FAMILY QUEST: At Reston Bible Church, we firmly believe that parents are a child’s first and most important spiritual leader. In order to support you that mission, we have created a parent devotional and some discussion starters to go along with each lesson your grade school age children are learning at Quest on Sundays. Our hope and prayer is that this material will help you to engage with your children around the topics they are learning on Sunday mornings, answer their questions, go deeper with them, and find real, day-to-day applications. We are honored to be able to partner with you in the critical task of sharing Christ with the next generation.
QUEST: Preschool Lesson for July 17
This week’s reading from the Jesus Storybook Bible:
“The Captain of the Storm”, p. 236
This week’s Big Idea:
Jesus has power over nature. We can trust and have faith in Him.
This week’s Key Verse:
Matthew 19:26
QUEST: Preschool Lesson for July 10
This week’s reading from the Jesus Storybook Bible:
“The Singer: The Sermon on the Mount”, p 228.
This week’s Big Idea:
God takes care of everything He has created, including us.
This week’s Key Verse:
Matthew 6
Family Quest: Kaboom! Lesson 3

This is one of those attributes that, if meditated on long enough, can simply cause our mortal minds to short circuit. Kind of like, if the universe ends then what’s after that, and after that, and so on…God knows everything that there is to know about himself. That alone is mindboggling considering the fact that God is infinite, unlimited and eternal. “In the same way no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God” (1 Corinthians 2:11b).
On top of that, God’s knowledge of creation is complete and perfect.
Download Lesson 3– – –
ABOUT FAMILY QUEST: At Reston Bible Church, we firmly believe that parents are a child’s first and most important spiritual leader. In order to support you that mission, we have created a parent devotional and some discussion starters to go along with each lesson your grade school age children are learning at Quest on Sundays. Our hope and prayer is that this material will help you to engage with your children around the topics they are learning on Sunday mornings, answer their questions, go deeper with them, and find real, day-to-day applications. We are honored to be able to partner with you in the critical task of sharing Christ with the next generation.
QUEST: Preschool Lesson for July 3
This week’s reading from the Jesus Storybook Bible:
How to Pray, p. 222
This week’s Big Idea:
Jesus teaches us how to pray.
This week’s Key Verse:
Matthew 6
BABY QUEST: July Lessons
Baby QUEST is Reston Bible Church’s ministry to the youngest members of our Body.
Each month, we will feature a guide for your family to use with children ages 0-2. The guide includes follow up activities, a craft or sensory activity, recommended reading, a song, and other tips that are uniquely tailored to the development of infants and toddlers.
The guide follows the themes we are teaching in our nursery classes, giving you an opportunity to connect and reinforce the ideas taught at home. Because children this age need repetition, each activity can be done multiple times throughout the month to continue to press it upon your child’s memory as they grow!
This month, we’re focusing on the story of Daniel and the lion’s den. Children love this story! They are engrossed by the drama of Daniel and the wild, scary lions–but most importantly, the story teaches them many truths, including about God’s power, strength, and protection. We will especially focus on Daniel’s prayers to God and talk about how we can talk to God too. Children will be introduced to prayer, prayed for, and guided to join in prayer on their own.
Big Idea:
We can pray to God!
Scripture Focus:
Daniel 6
Family Quest: Kaboom! Lesson 2

You may remember from our series on sanctification, “Extreme Makeover,” that God’s brand of love can be defined as follows: “Divine love is eternal and totally independent of the object of its favor. Divine love is an affection which stands in spite of any element of attractiveness, desirability, or even value. It also can be hated by the object of its affection, without damaging its intensity or character.”
Moreover, it is characterized by long-suffering and sacrifice. Divine love is perfect and complete. It is perfectly demonstrated in the cross.
Download Lesson 2– – –
ABOUT FAMILY QUEST: At Reston Bible Church, we firmly believe that parents are a child’s first and most important spiritual leader. In order to support you that mission, we have created a parent devotional and some discussion starters to go along with each lesson your grade school age children are learning at Quest on Sundays. Our hope and prayer is that this material will help you to engage with your children around the topics they are learning on Sunday mornings, answer their questions, go deeper with them, and find real, day-to-day applications. We are honored to be able to partner with you in the critical task of sharing Christ with the next generation.
QUEST: Preschool Lesson for June 26
This week’s reading from the Jesus Storybook Bible:
A Little Girl and a Poor Frail Lady, p. 214
This week’s Big Idea:
Jesus Has Power Over Sickness and Death.
This week’s Key Verse:
John 1:29