TRAIL GUIDE: A Solemn Declaration
The “Trail Guide” devotional is used by our adult leaders of grade school groups in Quest as a way to prepare their hearts and minds for the topics we will be covering with the children on the weekend. We have made them available here to help our parents of grade-schoolers engage with their children around the topics we are discussing and also for anyone else that might be blessed by following along.
ON BELAY, LESSON 2: Jesus saves and no one can take you from Him
What is the purpose of testimony? Testimony is the solemn declaration usually made orally or in writing by a witness either in a courtroom under oath or elsewhere. Its purpose is to provide information on which to base a decision. Our memory verse, 1 John 5:11-2, begins with these words, “And this is the testimony…” Whose testimony? God Almighty’s testimony. His testimony, or solemn declaration, is that eternal life can only be found in his Son and be had only through his Son. We have already established that God is trustworthy so we know that the testimony is true. What decision then must be made based upon this information? Why did God give us this testimony?
“But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.” (John 20:31)
This is the good news! God’s testimony is that we are sinners, separated from Him (Isaiah 59:2), that we can in no way work our way to Him but can only be reconciled to Him by grace (Ephesians 2:8-9), that He made this possible through the sacrificial and substitutionary death of his Son (1 Peter 1:8), and that because his Son was raised from the dead we can be part of God’s family by receiving Jesus Christ as our Savior (John 1:12). This is God’s solemn declaration and the foundation for life eternal.
But these are written that you may believe… -John 20:31
John 20:31
Isaiah 59:2
Ephesians 2:8-9
1 Peter 1:8
John 1:12
TRAIL GUIDE: Daddy’s Got You
The “Trail Guide” devotional is used by our adult leaders of grade school groups in Quest as a way to prepare their hearts and minds for the topics we will be covering with the children on the weekend. We have made them available here to help our parents of grade-schoolers engage with their children around the topics we are discussing and also for anyone else that might be blessed by following along.
ON BELAY, LESSON 1: Jesus saves and no one can take you from Him
To live a truly eternal life, eternal both in quality (in God’s eternal presence and with His eternal purpose) and in duration (we will never perish), we must understand and place our confidence in God’s assurances to us. An assurance is God’s pledge, His guarantee for His children born of the Spirit through Christ. While there are experiential or subjective ways for us to get a clue as to our salvation and place in God’s family, our love for the church and the things of God (1 John 2:15, 3:14), and the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22) among them, it is only God’s “testimony,” His solemn declaration through His Word, that stands as our objective proof of the assurance we have that, when we have believed and received His gift of eternal life through Christ Jesus, we are secure in his hands.
Why is it so important to know we are firmly held in the Father’s hands? From our childhood most of us can remember hearing these words, “Come on, Daddy’s got you.” If you are like me you probably associate those words with an experience like standing on the edge of a swimming pool that seemed like a bottomless sea or sitting at the top of a slide that seemed like Mount Everest. As we looked down at those outstretched arms we did some very quick calculations. What has my experience been with this person up to now? Can I trust him? If our father was a trustworthy and loving father who had shown himself to have powerful arms (at least compared to ourselves) capable of catching us, we most likely took a deep breath and jumped. Experience shows us that over time our confidence level in this person grows and makes each subsequent jump easier until finally we are flinging ourselves, carefree into his arms. When Jesus says of the Father, “My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all, and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father’s hand,” He is saying, “This is my Father and, through me, your Father as well and He won’t let you fall. Jump. Daddy’s got you.” All of our other assurances in God are built upon this cornerstone. Confidence in God’s faithfulness begins here.
No one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand. -John 10:29b
John 10:28-30
1 John 5:11-12
Psalm 145:13
Hebrews 10:23
Psalm 18:2, 62:2,6-7
Children’s Ministry at RBC: Raise the Bar
As we begin the new school year and look at our schedules and our priorities, I would like to propose a challenge for you to consider.

NEW QUEST LOGO: It’s almost Fall, and change is in the air. You’ll notice that we have updated our logo for Quest. We did this because we feel the new design more closely reflects the heart of the ministry. As Christians, we are called to always SEEK after God. There is no “I’ve arrived” this side of glory. David was a man AFTER God’s own heart. He sought God diligently right up until the end. This is the Quest we want our children to embark on for the rest of their lives as well and the idea behind our new logo. We hope you’ll appreciate the other “adventurey” tweaks we’ve made to the Children’s Ministry space as well.
Foreign language training, math tutors, sport specific training, piano lessons, science camp… sound like the line-up for a sophomore in college? It’s actually a small sampling of the academic and sporting pursuits common amongst elementary school age children here in Northern Virginia. So many of the experts say it: “children have an amazing capability to learn at a very early age.” Very few of us would disagree.
Why is it, then, that so many parents are satisfied if their children can do little more than recite some basic facts about Noah and the flood, the birth of Jesus Christ, or the account of Daniel in the lion’s den – but can tell us nothing of what we learn about our God or our relationship to him through these accounts? Why are not more parents alarmed that many of our children can’t explain, in simple terms, the gospel of salvation beyond repeating back the lingo they’ve grown up hearing? Ask a child what they mean by “having Jesus in your heart” and you may be shocked by their response (or lack thereof.)
During my years in ministry I have had my eyes opened to an astonishing fact: children have an amazing capacity to learn the deeper things of God, to serve Him, and to have a vibrant spiritual life. In many ways, they are better equipped to bear fruit (Matthew 18:2-4) than we adults are. They are far less inhibited by personal baggage, held back by self-consciousness, or plagued with doubt than the average adult. The Holy Spirit is not age-limited in His work. Sadly, many Christian adults do not expect as much from their children in the spiritual arena as they do in the academic or athletic. Let this not be said about us at Reston Bible Church. Raise the bar! Help your child, no matter how young, begin to learn the basic doctrines of the faith. Help them live out their faith by taking them along while you live out yours. Serve with them, share your faith with them. “Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.” (Deuteronomy 11:19)
As new things begin to happen in Children’s Ministry at RBC, it will be helpful for parents and volunteers alike to have a context within which to place them. With that in mind, I would like to invite you, whether you are parent of young children or not, to take a moment and look over the Vision, Mission, and Guiding Lights of Children’s Ministry at RBC. Click here to download a PDF of our ministry vision, mission and guiding lights statement.
“After that whole generation had been gathered to their fathers, another generation grew up, who knew neither the Lord nor what he had done for Israel” (Judges 2:10). May God forbid these words be uttered about our legacy.
Raise the bar. Leave a legacy that will last.
To learn more about Quest and Children’s Ministry at Reston Bible Church, visit or email Mike Meyers, Director of Children’s Ministry at RBC.
AWANA: Expanding the Kingdom
RBC’s AWANA club has been around for over 25 years. AWANA, which stands for Approved Workmen are Not Ashamed (not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ) provides children 4 years of age through the 6th grade with opportunities to memorize Scripture and create Christian friendships that end up spanning a lifetime – there’s a whole lot of fun in doing it!
If you are new to RBC and are not sure what the AWANA program is, or if you have never considered enrolling your children in the program – here are a few things to consider.
AWANA meets every Sunday night during the club year. This year, we will go start September 15th, 2013 and go through May 6th. We meet every Sunday evening from 4:30 to 6:30 pm here at the church. All programs – Cubbies, Sparks, and T&T – meet at the same time so if you have multiple kids, all can come and participate!
The AWANA program stresses Bible memorization for all ages. Now, how many verses can you say that you have memorized over the years? Some of our clubbers memorize up to 60 or more verses each year… Just think of how much of a lasting impact this can have on them as they grow up and navigate their teen years!
During our club time, we also have a special portion set aside for games. Even our 4-year old clubbers share in an involved games time and learn the meaning of teamwork and fellowship.
Finally, each club offers a council time message that is age-appropriate. They learn about the Bible, how to apply God’s Word to their lives, and most importantly, see how God is moving in their own lives! We bring in special speakers, watch skits, and hear from our volunteers about what God is doing in our midst.
I have been involved with the AWANA program for 16 years. Both of my children participated in the program, and are now volunteering alongside me and my husband. I did not come to know the Lord until I was 18, and I am always telling the clubbers how fortunate they are to be able to learn about God and how to walk with God at such a young age. What a blessing it is to work with these young children, walk alongside the parents, and instill a real love for God in their lives!
Please don’t just consider registering your children – but consider your involvement in this important Children’s Ministry as well. AWANA continues the work that Mike Meyers (Director of Children’s Ministry at RBC) and his team do on Sunday mornings.
Pastor Paul Goodnight has often referred to our program as “organized chaos.” Well, when you put 300 kids in one place, yes it is. But it is fun. It is rewarding. And most of all, the Kingdom of God is expanded. Please join us!
Links to register children, to volunteer and to donate scholarships can be found at
-Marci Kinter, AWANA Coordinator
Kids Camp 2013 Update
Radically trusting in the promises of God.
“My soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will never be shaken.” (Psalm 62:1-2)
RBC Kids Camp is a week-long day camp open to all children between the ages of 4 and sixth grade and takes place the last week of June.
Through quality Bible teaching, art, drama, music, and a ton of awesome games, Kids Camp (formerly VBS) is a unique opportunity for children to begin or grow-in their relationship with Jesus and to learn to share their hope and joy with others.
This year we hosted more than 500 children and 200 volunteers for our 2013 edition of Kids Camp called, “The Rock.” Against the backdrop of a rock climbing adventure, the children learned that when we trust in Jesus as our Lord and Savior, God guarantees certain things to us. These “promises” are things we can trust in completely. As we put our weight on these promises we see that God is faithful and we will grow in our faith. With each passing day we grow to trust Him more and more.
We are very thankful to the parents and volunteers for their commitment to making this event a success and to raising a generation that knows the goodness of our God.
Stay tuned for Kids Camp 2014!
Countdown to Kids Camp 2013!
With less than two weeks to go, preparations for Kids Camp 2013, The R.O.C.K., are coming along great. We are quickly filling up and we have only a few days left for registration. So, here are my two messages for you and your children and any friends they’d like to invite.
1. Registration for Kids Camp 2013 closes this Monday (June 17) at 9 AM so please if you haven’t registered yet or if your child has friends they’d like to invite, please register ASAP at (If money is tight, you may apply for scholarship by emailing me.)
2. We need more VOLUNTEERS! We need at least 80 more volunteers in order to handle the 500+ children who will be in attendance at Kids Camp this year. Men, take your mornings off that week to come lead a group of young people. Women, get to know the other moms of the church in a fun, relaxed atmosphere. We need small group leaders, photographers, welcome team, break-down team, and more. Don’t miss this opportunity. Register now at and click on “Click here to Volunteer”.
Event Update: Daddy-Daughter Dance
The arrival to our annual Daddy-Daughter Valentine’s Dance was posh this year with valet parking, corsages upon entry, and a formal photo shoot before heading into the exhibits area for this year’s dance, The National Gallery of Heart: Love on Display. The girls and their dates visited several exhibitions, including the Hope Diamond room where they fashioned their own version of the necklace or the Portrait Gallery where dads and daughters could choose a frame to draw their own work of art right on the wall! A bit later in the evening, the Dessert Café opened with a sundae bar, and then came the big reveal in the auditorium with a freshly-installed wooden dance floor and a DJ showcasing some struttin’ music! With a little over 200 folks in attendance, the night was brimming with joyful laughter and sweet smiles.
At one point in the evening, everyone was assembled to discuss that there are lots of ways that dads can put “Love on Display” for their wives and children. However, the only perfect example of “Love on Display” in history was Jesus Christ’s death on the cross (John 15:13). Jesus took on the penalty that we deserve for the times when we don’t love perfectly, forgave us for the times when we turn away from Him, and opened the door for us to live with Him in heaven for eternity. All we need to do is trust in what Jesus has already done for us. Jesus truly is, always, love on display.
For myself personally, there was never a moment to sit as I poised my volunteers for the next transition in the evening’s agenda or checked on the maraschino cherry stash. I’m so thankful that my duties kept me in and out of every room constantly throughout the night so that I could witness the fun and the awed faces of the couples with each new reveal! My eyes vigilantly searched in the nooks and corners in each room and I was never disappointed in the findings as I saw dads and their girls involved one-on-one in their own conversations, whether it was answering some questions we posed in their Gala Guide, or telling their own stories as they worked their way through each gallery exhibit.
The girls and their dates were blessed with a dedicated crew of volunteers and several staff members who made this night shine! May we be blessed to continue this event for years to come.
Have a story from the Daddy-Daughter Dance you’d like to share? We’d love to hear from you. Leave a comment below or drop us an email at
VIDEO: Baby Quest Nursery at RBC
Baby Quest, the nursery program at Reston Bible Church, has traditionally run as a parent co-op. We are changing that to an all volunteer system to better serve our kids and parents. This video explains why.
You can get more information and fill out a volunteer form at
The Treehouse
Clearly you live in Northern Virginia when you can find a treehouse inside a building. This is your chance to take a peek inside… INSIDE Reston Bible Church’s Children’s Ministry Treehouse!
What it is …
The Treehouse is a special service time for children of all ages (toddlers through 5th graders) whose parents stay during an additional Sunday morning service to either attend an ABF (Adult Bible Fellowship) or to volunteer. It’s not always engaging for the little guys to be involved in their QUEST class twice, and so we offer The Treehouse during the 9:30am service as an alternative for the children who participate in QUEST and stay through the additional time.
What it is … NOT.
Although there is a time of teaching and relaxed activities, the Treehouse is not intended to be an alternative to QUEST, but rather an extension of the biblical base gained in the QUEST classrooms. If you spend one block of time on Sunday mornings attending a worship serve and another block volunteering or attending an ABF – and have children – The Treehouse is an awesome opportunity for your kids.
BUT WAIT, there’s more! This fall, the Treehouse’s older attenders (1st-5th graders) will be introduced to a new face that brings the focus more deliberately towards a missions-minded morning.
The Treehouse meets all year at the 9:30am service time, upstairs in Room 238. For further inquiry, find Hannah at the QUEST Desk on Sundays or drop me an email.
Summer Review: Kids Camp
Five days, over 500 children, 200+ volunteers, 2500 snacks served, tons of fun, more than 4,000 combined volunteer hours and, best of all, God showed up! Can it get any better than that? If you have never participated in an RBC Kids Camp (formerly VBS) then you are missing a unique experience in the life of this church. Kids Camp has always been a time for the children of the church to grow in their faith, but with 180+ visitors at this summer’s event, this has become one of RBC’s largest evangelistic outreaches as well. This year the children at Kids Camp were learning to “fly” at the Amazing Wonders Aviation flight school. They learned that in order to “soar on wings like eagles” they must be fueled by the power of God and that His power extends over nature, our circumstances, our sin, and our lives. Our desire is to see them make a smooth take-off and a God glorifying flight.
We were blessed to see so many sweet stories unfold throughout the week. Let me share just two of them with you. First time Kids Camp volunteer Curt McGowan decided to take off a week of mornings from his full-time job to be a small group leader. In no time he and his group of cadets were a tight squadron. Seeing them all march in with the very cool aviator shades that Curt had picked up for them was priceless. His enthusiasm grew throughout the week and by the end he was talking about plans to tell other men of the church how they can join him next year and share in the blessings.
This year we were privileged to host a large number of children from Guilford elementary school at Kids Camp. Thanks to the hard work of Barb Ruffner and her team, these special visitors were treated to a delicious lunch each day following camp. By day two this had turned into a banquet for the students, their parents, siblings and grandparents in some cases! Each family received a Bible as well as a personal invitation from Children & Family ministry Director Jason Goetz to return and visit Quest at our weekend services. Imagine our excitement when several of these families showed up Sunday morning.
Jesus said, “whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me.” At Kids Camp 2012 the body of Christ at Reston Bible Church welcomed the presence of Jesus in a big way!