FAQ: Upcoming Service Changes
Beginning on Sunday, March 7, we are moving to a dual service format.
The 9:00 a.m. service will have full COVID precautions as they are currently (registration, masks and social distancing required), and the 10:45 a.m. service will move to a “restaurant style” in regard to masks, which should be worn when entering, exiting or moving around inside the building, but may be removed while seated and standing during the worship service.
Please watch the announcement for more details, or see the section below for answers to questions you might have.
Will the 9:00 a.m. service have full COVID precautions of registration, masks, social distancing?
How will the 10:45 service be different?
We will use the “restaurant style” approach. You may remove your mask once seated or standing in the sanctuary.
At the 10:45 service, when can I remove my mask?
Please wait until you are seated in the sanctuary to remove your mask. Please have your mask on when entering/exiting and when moving around inside the building.
Why do we still have to register to attend services?
Due to limited space. Also so that we can inform those who may have been exposed should someone in the service let us know they later test positive for COVID.
Is the same “restaurant style” mask policy in place at Quest, youth and other ministry gatherings that take place during the 10:45 a.m. service?
The same policy is in place in the Quest classrooms during the 10:45 service. Contact Tony Cho, Children’s Ministry Director, for more information. For other ministry gatherings taking place at 10:45, please check with the pastor overseeing that ministry.
Why will there be two rows empty between occupied rows at 10:45?
In this phase of reopening, it will lessen the risk of a possible spread to larger numbers due to singing.
When will the “two empty row” approach end and the 10:45 go back to full normal?
As all the local metrics and conditions, such as increased availability of vaccines, continue to improve. It is our desire to move to a fully open phase but it is too early to predict the week or month just yet.
Youth-Related Questions
How will these changes affect the Jr. and Sr. High Youth Ministry on Sundays?
The youth Engage elective classes which meet on Sunday mornings will follow the protocols of the main services. Specifically, classes during the 9am service will require face masks. Masks will be optional for classes during the 10:45am service. Please note that singing is not part of the Engage electives and that students will continue to sit spread out, four per table. Finally, we are currently planning to return to our combined Jr. and Sr. High outdoor youth service on April 11 (the Sunday after Easter).
Will masks still be required at other Youth events?
Masks will be required while indoors at Wednesday night Jr. High Small Groups and Sr. High Shepherd Groups. We feel this is best at this time because: 1) it is what all our volunteers and parents committed to at the beginning of the year; 2) we do not want to exclude any students; 3) creating mask and no-mask groups would split friend groups; and 4) with Spring coming, we will be able to move back outside shortly. If you have additional questions regarding safety precautions at youth events, please contact aaronosborne@restonbible.org (Jr. High) or leebanton@restonbible.org (Sr. High).
Quest-Related Questions
Will masks be required for Quest at 10:45?
No. After they enter their class or the Clubhouse room, masks will be optional.
Will there be social distancing in Quest at 10:45?
Not in classes or the clubhouse. Depending on the numbers, distancing may be considered.
Is class size impacted at the 10:45 service?
It depends on the situation. Although we may be able to increase numbers in some classes, we may still be limited based on the number of volunteers in classes. We will maintain the child/leader ratio we have in place to keep kids safe in Quest. We hope to increase all class sizes as more volunteers return to serve in Quest.
If you have other questions, please feel free to reach out to the appropriate pastor or Bruce Campbell the Executive Pastor at brucecampbell@restonbible.org.
Staff Update: Youth Ministry
On Sunday, we gave an announcement regarding Bob Shull’s new role as Pastor of Discipleship and Evangelism.
You can watch the video below to find out the details of Bob’s continued ministry at RBC, as well as how that will affect the Youth Ministry.
Staff Update: Women’s Ministry
On Sunday, we announced that Julie Johnston will be joining the RBC staff as our new Director of Women’s Ministry!
Please join us in thanking the Lord for His kind provision. You can watch the video of the announcement below.
Annual Report Highlight: Food Pantry
In these videos, Pam Swope-Bland and Rob Schulman give updates on the RBC Food Pantry and Community Garden.
Visit annualreport.restonbible.org to see the rest of the 2020 Annual Report!
Annual Report Highlight: International Connection
In this video, Susan Morinaga provides an update on ESL classes during 2020.
Visit annualreport.restonbible.org to see the rest of the 2020 Annual Report!
Annual Report Highlight: Iglesia Hispana
In this video, Pastor Salvador Medina gives an update on RBC’s Spanish congregation.
Visit annualreport.restonbible.org to see the rest of the 2020 Annual Report!
Annual Report Highlight: Youth Ministry
In these videos, Aaron Osborne and Lee Banton give updates on the Sr. High and Jr. High ministries at RBC.
Visit annualreport.restonbible.org to see the rest of the 2020 Annual Report!
Annual Report Highlight: Fellowship Groups
In this video, Fellowship Groups Pastor Jim Supp gives a 2020 update on the Men’s Ministry, Women’s Ministry, and Young Adult Ministry.
Visit annualreport.restonbible.org to see the rest of the 2020 Annual Report!
Annual Report Highlight: Family Life
In this video, Family Life Pastor Mike Meyers gives an update from the Family Life Ministry in 2020.
Visit annualreport.restonbible.org to see the rest of the 2020 Annual Report!
Annual Report Highlight: Children’s Ministry
In this video, Children’s Ministry Director Tony Cho gives a 2020 update from the RBC Children’s Ministry.
Visit annualreport.restonbible.org to see the rest of the 2020 Annual Report!