Baby Quest consists of the infant and toddler nursery of Reston Bible Church.
Our desire is to provide a safe, Christ-honoring, caring environment for your child to play, to explore, and to interact with other children and adults while you (the parent) worship God and are fed by the preaching of His Word. Our nursery is staffed by dedicated volunteers from the RBC congregation.
Volunteer with Baby Quest Download the Volunteer ManualCaring for Children
In the nursery, we care for children from birth to 2 years of age. Children turning 2 years old in the nursery will remain there until the next Promotion weekend (usually in September) or on an as needed basis. If you have an infant and are not ready to have them cared for in the nursery, there is a cry room located at the back of the sanctuary for your use. The cry room is for healthy children and is not to be used for those who are sick.
While your child is in our care, they will receive plenty of free time to play with age-appropriate toys, books, and worship videos.
We recognize that putting your child in the nursery for the first time can cause anxiety for the parent and child. We want to work with you to provide the best experience possible. Parents are certainly welcome to stay with their child at first to get them adjusted to our nursery facility. If you have any specific instructions for the nursery workers regarding your child, please let us know at the door when you drop them off.
Safety First
For your child’s safety, we maintain a ratio of no more than two infants to one adult and no more than three toddlers to one adult. Also, we provide resources so you can enjoy the service without worry. Our computerized registration system makes check-in easy and increases classroom security. You and your child will receive a security ID number. In order to check your child out of the nursery, you must present the security ID number that corresponds with your child’s number. If we need to reach you for any reason, our check-in system will send you a text message asking you to return to the children’s area. Please make sure you have your phone visible (on silent), so that you don’t miss the text!
In our effort to keep the nursery facility as clean and free from germs as possible, all the toys are cleaned with an alcohol and water mixture after each service.
Volunteer with Baby Quest Download the Volunteer Manual