Sunday Rewind | 9.16.2012
All Because of Jesus (Romans 8:10) – Burn For You by Steve Fee
Blessed Be Your Name (Job 1:21) – Blessed Be Your Name: The Songs of Matt Redman by Matt Redman
Lord of All (Psalm 97:5-6) – Attention by Kristian Stanfill
God, You Lifted Me Out (Psalm 30:1-2) – For The Honor by Elevation Worship
TEACHING: Runaway Bride – The Mystery of Christ & His Church
It is common today to separate Christ from his church – people want Jesus, but not church involvement. Yet, God has ordained that the church play a major role in His great work of redemption. Jason VanDorsten teaches from Ephesians 5, which presents the church as Jesus’ bride and conveys with great strength and promise the deep, abiding love God has for those who are His in Christ.
- What comes to mind when you think of the word “church”? What have your experiences with church been like?
- What are the distinctions between the “little C” church and the “big C” Church? How are they different? How are they linked?
- Read Ephesians 5:21-33. What might this tell you about the nature of man? What does it tell you about Jesus Christ?
- What do these verses tell you about Jesus’ relationship with his people, the church?
- It what ways does the analogy of “church as bride” resonate with you? Where do you have trouble grasping the analogy?
- Does your interaction and involvement with the local church reflect the care, encouragement and protection due a bride? In what ways could you grow in loving the church as the bride of Christ?
- Spend some time praying for RBC and other local churches in our area and around the world.
Summer Review: Youth Summer Camp
Back in July, we had our yearly youth summer camp. We had over 160 students and 50 leaders for our weekly camp. It was a great time to get away from the day to day distractions and really focus on the LORD and His Word and learn more about our relationship with Christ. We also had a blast with our youth as we participated with them in several of our camps activities which included: Paint Ball, water sports, caving, rappelling, rock wall climb, white water rafting, hiking, and a day of service to name a few activities.
We had a great time at camp and really saw God working in many of our teens’ lives throughout the week and even saw some kids place their trust in Christ for the first time.
-John Lyver (Jr. High Youth Assistant)
Sunday Rewind | 9.2.2012
God Is Able (Ephesians 3:20-21) – God Is Able by Hillsong
Hosanna (2 Corinthians 4:18) – Saviour King by Hillsong
Unending Love (Romans 8:39) – God Is Able by Hillsong
In Christ Alone (Philippians 3:7-8a) – Original Arrangement
The Solid Rock (Psalm 18:2) – Original Arrangement
TEACHING: Foundation of Hope
In Romans 15, Paul prays that God’s people would “abound in hope.” What does that hope look like, and how can Christians find it in times of joy or times of trial? RBC’s Executive Pastor Ed Nalle teaches on the eternal hope of Christ Jesus.
- How would you define “hope”? Does that definition fit your life?
- How can our foundation of hope help to create unity among the church?
- Read Psalm 27 and look for the various expressions of hope that David uses. Where else in Scripture is this kind of hope revealed?
- Take a moment to praise God for the blessings of fulfilled hope from this week or for His great gift of salvation.
Sunday Rewind | 8.19.12
As a way of bringing weekend worship services into your week, we’re introducing Sunday Rewind. These short blog posts will include the worship selections with scripture references and artist/album information from the past Sunday. In addition, we’ll include links to the teaching audio/video as well some questions from the sermon geared toward small group discussion or personal reflection.
Glorious (Psalm 111:2-3) – Everything Glorious by Chris Tomlin (Passion)
Majesty (Isaiah 53:5-6) – Majesty: The Worship EP by Leeland
With Us (Psalm 46:10-11a) – God Is Able by Hillsong
Unending Love (Romans 8:38-39) – God Is Able by Hillsong
How Great Is Your Faithfulness (Lamentations 3:22-23) – We Shall Not Be Shaken by Matt Redman
TEACHING: The World System: It’s Where You Live, Part 5
The world system is designed to lure believers into loving the world in such a way that they have no impact on the world. Jesus says we are to be in this world, but not of it. How do we being “in the world” reach those who are “of the world” without compromise? We must be tactfully inviting, intellectually stimulating and lovingly warning.
- “The world system is designed to lure believers into loving the world in such a way that they have no impact on the world.” How have you seen and/or experienced this at work?
- Read and discuss John 17. What does this tell you about the nature of man? What does it tell us about God? What does it tell us about the world? What does it tell us about Jesus Christ?
- Why does Jesus pray that we not be taken out of the world?
- What temptations to compromise do we face when reaching out those who are “of the world”?
- In the context of your daily circles of influence, how can you be tactfully inviting, intellectually stimulating, and lovingly warning? Spend some time praying for those whom you could reach in these ways with the Gospel.
Iglesia Hispana Baptisms
On July 15, 2012, eleven members of RBC’s Hispanic Church (Iglesia Hispana) were baptized at Shenandoah National Park as a public demonstration of their faith in Jesus Christ. Pastor Salvador Medina held an open-air worship service with preaching and music. The church rejoiced with and prayed for the baptism candidates before baptizing them in the Shenandoah River. ¡Gloria a Dios!
“Arrepiéntase y bautícese cada uno de ustedes en el nombre de Jesucristo para perdón de sus pecados —les contestó Pedro— y recibirán el don del Espíritu Santo. En efecto, la promesa es para ustedes, para sus hijos y para todos los extranjeros,es decir, para todos aquellos a quienes el Señor nuestro Dios quiera llamar.” – Hechos :38-39
To learn more about RBC’s Iglesia Hispana, visit
The Abundant Life Conference
Reston Bible Church invites you to join us for a special two-day conference October 5 & 6, 2012, featuring Alistair Begg, host of the radio program Truth for Life and senior pastor of Parkside Church in Cleveland.
The Gospel of Jesus Christ stands at the very center of true Christianity. For followers of Jesus, the preciousness of the Gospel is absolutely paramount; it is applicable and relevant to every area of life. Our understanding and application of the great and glorious Gospel of Christ will trickle down into everything we think, feel and do – but so will our misunderstandings of the Gospel. The Abundant Life Conference will explore how the Gospel deeply informs and directs us in all things and will encourage us to live from the abundance of life found only in Jesus.
Alistair Begg has been in pastoral ministry since 1975. Following graduation from the London School of Theology, he served eight years in Scotland at both Charlotte Chapel in Edinburgh and Hamilton Baptist Church.
In 1983, he became the senior pastor at Parkside Church near Cleveland, Ohio. He has written several books and is heard daily and weekly on the radio program, Truth For Life.
He and his wife, Susan, were married in 1975 and they have three grown children.
Parent-Child Dedication Service
Last Sunday, our church family was privileged to see eleven families publicly proclaim their desire to raise their kids for the glory of God at our Parent-Child Dedication, held during the 11am service.
At RBC, dedicating your child allows you to proclaim before our congregation your desire to raise your child(ren) for the glory of God. Dedications serve as a vessel for parents to express gratitude to God and to acknowledge their responsibility before Him in raising their children. Dedications are done during a weekend service and follow in the spirit of Hannah who offered her son Samuel completely for the Lord’s work (1 Samuel 1:27, 28).
For more information on Parent-Child Dedications at Reston Bible Church, click here.
SUMMER REVIEW: Clothing Exchange
We’d like to extend a huge thanks to all that donated clothing and/or helped out at this year’s Clothing Exchange, held earlier this summer. Well before 8:00am, when we opened, there were just over 70 guests already waiting in line. In the first 30 minutes alone, we handed out over 250 bags for people to fill with clothes. Around 300 bags had been given to guests within the first hour.
Our guests also had the opportunity to visit the Food Pantry while they were here. We ended the event with only about 10 bags of clothes left over, which we donated to the SACS Thrift Store. In addition to meeting needs within our congregation and our surrounding community, we were also able to give clothes to the Brazil summer missions team to take with them to distribute in Beneviedes.
Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.’ Then the righteous will answer him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?’ And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’
(Matthew 25:34-40 ESV)
If you’d like more information on how to get involvedour thrift store partnership, our Food Pantry, or other community-oriented service opportunities, please visit
A Rookie’s Adventure in Food Bank Shopping
by Bob Zerrenner, RBC Food Bank volunteer
Recently, I volunteered for to pick up the groceries for the Food Pantry. As a newer volunteer, I thought it would be pretty simple: Drive up to the store, load up the groceries, return to the Food Pantry and unload. The term “shopping” never entered my mind (I personally don’t shop – especially not in stores.) I usually just make a list and search reviews to find the best price to buy. When I go in the store, I don’t meander the aisle thinking about the various products. If it’s not on my list, then I don’t buy it (unless it’s a dessert – then I may do some impulsive justification of why it should be on the list!)
Due to my schedule, I planned on making two trips to two different stores. I went to the first store that had the four products that we needed. I entered the store, got two carts, my binder with notes, our tax-exempt card (don’t forget to hand them that!), a lot of energy, and went to my first aisle to find the first item. I found the space on the shelf where the item was supposed to be …but, alas, no item. I thought I’d ask a friendly associate, but could find any associate at all, let alone a friendly one. Moving on to item two: I needed 200, but found only 30 on shelf. Make that question number two on my friendly associate request list. On to item number three: needed 100 items, but only 19 were on the shelf. Do you see a theme starting here? Move on to the last item where I needed only 4 items and – bingo! – I was able to find all four.
After a little while, I found three associates together in one aisle and figured that the odds were in my favor that at least one would be friendly. After a short conversation, I remembered why I don’t gamble – all three associates were not that helpful at all, even after explaining to them how to use their own inventory scanners to see if any of the products I was searching for were in the back room. Continuing on my search for a friendly associate, I finally found one who explained that a delivery truck was scheduled for that evening to bring the back-ordered items. I should check back tomorrow.
I left the store and actually was disappointed that my first shopping adventure was a disaster. I returned to the Food Pantry and started to unload the feeble amount of merchandise that I had purchased. As I opened the door to the pantry and saw the shelves – and how empty space was on them – I was instantly reminded how blessed I am. What if I needed assistance and I waited in line and got a bag or two of groceries? Would that be “enough” to feed my family of five? Who would I turn to for assistance? Would I be “happy” with the products provided, or would I want brand name products? Oh, how selfish, self-centered and sinful I am.
The next day, I went to our second store where I knew that a lot of items were waiting for me to pick up (we do an advance order with this particular store each week.) Upon arrival, I was greeted enthusiastically by the manager who proceeded to wheel out two u-trucks full of groceries. She was pleasant, and her whole team was helpful during the process. I loaded the car and realized that I may need a bigger car, but we were able to fit it all in there.
As I drove home that night and came home to a pantry full of stuff, I realized how blessed we truly are. How much do I take for granted that our pantry is filled? How do I react when my favorite chips, cookie or fruit is not at my fingertips? Do I react with a correct heart and mind? Or do I react out of a mindset that tells me I deserve to have this and now? There was a frustration within me that said, “Why can’t I just go out and buy the products and not worry about the cost? Couldn’t just we fill the pantry to the ceiling with food?” Yes we could… but that would be us working and not God working in this ministry. We may only be able to provide some small amount of food each week to the people who need it, but we are also building relationships with those people. We are telling them about eternal food available through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. While we can’t provide for every physical need, we can certainly provide for their spiritual need and point them to the place where the pantry is never empty.
VIDEO: Winston Smith on Marriage Matters
In this video, CCEF counselor Winston Smith discusses the premise of his book, Marriage Matters, which will be the basis of this year’s marriage conference.
Join us on May 4 and 5 at Reston Bible Church for our Spring Marriage Conference, featuring Winston Smith. Winston Smith, M.Div., is an author, counselor and faculty member at the Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation(CCEF); he has extensive experience as a marriage and family counselor, and teaches seminary students how to counsel couples.
Winston will draw on his extensive experience as a marriage counselor, and share a simple yet powerful prescription for changing your marriage. He will show us how examining the everyday disappointments and irritations in your marriage will help you understand yourself, your spouse, and your need for God’s love. Interactions that used to devolve into pointless annoyances and fights can become an opportunity for God’s activity and love to become increasingly evident and powerful. These principles can take your marriage to extraordinary places and lead you into a deeper relationship with an extraordinary God. Don’t settle for an ordinary marriage; learn to live out God’s extraordinary love in your most intimate relationship.