Sunday Rewind | 11.19.2012
Our King Has Come (Romans 5:1-2) – For The Honor by Elevation Worship
How Great Thou Art (Psalm 145:3) – Original Arrangement
Always (Psalm 121:1-2) – Here For You by Kristian Stanfill (Passion)
Unending Love (Romans 8:38-39) – God Is Able by Hillsong
I Stand Amazed (2 Corinthians 8:9) – North Point Live by Candi Shelton (North Point)
TEACHING: Taking God Seriously – Part 1
The story of Jonah is about a man who knows God and has sound theology, but does not take Him seriously. In this way, the story of Jonah is really the story of our lives. We are more fearful of those who might find out about the hidden aspects of our lives rather than the One who already knows. All sin can be traced back to not taking God seriously.
- As you reflect on this sermon, what insight, idea or statement really stuck with you? Why?
- Has there ever been a time in your life when you felt like you were running from God? What happened?
- Read and discuss Jonah 1. What does this chapter tell you about the nature of man? What does it tell you about God?
- How are “the big three” attributes of God revealed in this chapter – omniscience (God knows all things), omnipotence (God has all power over all things), omnipresence (God is everywhere)?
- What are some ways you see yourself reflected in Jonah?
- Is there currently an area of your life where you are not taking God seriously? Spend some time in prayer with your small group for these areas.
Giving Thanks to God for the Murrays
As we ramp up for our annual missions conference, we have the great joy of giving thanks to God for Andrew & Ruth Murray this weekend during our worship services (November 4). Andrew & Ruth are long-time RBC missionaries who are retiring from the field after many years of faithful gospel-centered service in Papua New Guinea.
The video above is raw footage showing them delivering printed New Testaments in the native language of the Nimo tribe early in 2011. For the first time in history, the Nimo people are able to read the Word of God for themselves.
When Andrew speaks to the Nimo people in the video, this is what he says: “Today is a very important day in the history of the Nimo people. God’s word is always the same. If God’s word stays in your string bag, it has no use. When you read this New Testament, you will learn God’s talk to strengthen you. We can’t work our way to heaven, but God’s word shows us the way.”
This short clip is the culmination of many years of faithful ministry and Bible translation. We praise God that Christ is being made known to the Nimo tribe. We praise God for the faithfulness of His servants, who heeded His call to the field and labored in faithful, obedient love to their Savior. May Christ be glorified as we celebrate what He has done in and through Andrew & Ruth.
Trunk-or-Treat is Canceled
After much deliberation, the church leadership has decided to cancel Trunk or Treat.
Like you, we are very disappointed, but feel that it would not be safe to hold the event outside, and we don’t have what we need to move the event indoors. None of our supplies have been delivered due to the storm, and our facilities staff will need to devote their time to making sure our grounds and building are safe for use, rather than setting up this event.
To our volunteers:
To all who answered our plea to sign up for Trunk or Treat, we cannot thank you enough for your willingness and flexibility. We hope that you can use the candy that you have purchased to bless the children in your neighborhoods. We will be using what small amount of supplies that arrived before the storm to bless the children of our food pantry guests with a mini-Halloween.
Sunday Rewind | 10.28.2012
God Is With Us (Psalm 46:10-11a) – Louder Than Creation by Michael Olson (North Point)
Raise Up The Crown (Psalm 148:13) – Hymns Ancient & Modern by Chris Tomlin (Passion)
The Solid Rock (Psalm 18:2) – Original Arrangement
I Lift My Hands (Lamentations 3:22-23) – Hello Love by Chris Tomlin
You Never Let Go (Psalm 23:4) – Beautiful News by Matt Redman
TEACHING: The Next Generation Church – Lives Generously
Our natural tendency is to believe that it is always better to receive than it is to give, and so we typically feel guilty when addressed about generosity. But in 2 Corinthians 8, scripture gives us an equation for generosity that is only possible through the grace of Christ Jesus: Great Trial + Tremendous Poverty = Joyful Generosity. Guilt leads to “spot giving.” Gratefulness leads to a lifestyle of generosity.
- If Pastor Mike were to give an abbreviated version of last weekend’s message, what two points would you have him include, no matter what?
- Read and discuss 2 Corinthians 8:1-12. What do these verses tell you about the nature of man? What do these verses tell you about Jesus?
- What practical application do these verses have for our church? What are the implications for you personally?
- Why is guilt so often associated with money? Why is guilt a poor motivator toward generosity?
- How is Jesus the ultimate motivator toward generosity?
- A couple weeks ago, the discussion questions included this question regarding “The Cheerio Principle”: “What ‘Cheerios’ in your life do you have trouble letting go of?” Do you feel you’ve grown in that area over the last few weeks? Why or why not?
- How do you feel that you are doing in the area of Christ-centered, gospel-proclaiming generosity? What adjustments could you make in your life in order to grow in joyful generosity? Spend some time in prayer for these as a small group.
Sunday Rewind | 10.21.2012
Sing, Sing, Sing (Psalm 47:6-7) – Hello Love by Chris Tomlin
Alive In Us (Ephesians 2:4-5) – God Is Able by Hillsong
By Faith (Psalm 145:13) – Awaken the Dawn by Keith & Kristyn Getty
Beautiful Lord (Ephesians 2:4-5) – Sound of Melodies by Leeland
God Is Able (Ephesians 3:20-21) – God Is Able by Hillsong
TEACHING: The Next Generation Church – Reaches Globally
As an extension of knowing Christ, making Him known, and loving locally, the next generation church must also reach globally, beyond their immediate borders. Pastor Mike looks at the unlikely parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10) as a basis for global missions and the advancement of the gospel throughout the nations.
- What is one thing from this sermon that you hope to talk about as a small group?
- What experience have you had with “reaching globally” (mission trips, etc.)?
- Read and discuss Luke 10:25-37. What do these verses tell you about the nature of man? What do you learn about Jesus? What do these verses tell us about the gospel?
- What does the parable of the Good Samaritan show us about reaching globally?
- In the parable, the thieves wanted something for nothing. The religious people wanted nothing for nothing. The innkeeper wanted something for doing something. The Samaritan was willing to get nothing for doing something. Who do you most identify with? Why?
- How is Jesus the perfect “Good Samaritan”?
- Is there anything that keeps you from “reaching globally” with the gospel of Jesus Christ? What adjustments could you make in your life in order to engage globally for the sake of the gospel? Spend some time in prayer for these as a small group.
FROM THE FIELD: Update from Venezuela
From Chelsea, our missionary in Venezuela:
“We are not made for the mountains, for sunrises, or for the other beautiful attractions in life—those are simply intended to be moments of inspiration. We are made for the valley and the ordinary things of life, and that is where we have to prove our stamina and strength.” – Oswald Chambers
Now that the exciting adventure of living in a foreign land has worn off, and this is my day-to-day life, I wonder how much longer I am going to be in Venezuela. It is nice that I can commit one year at a time as the Lord graciously leads, but every year seems to have its own challenges. This year, I think the challenge will be persevering in the valley. It seems to be a dry season for me as far as God’s work goes, and I don’t seem to have much zeal for ministry. I am sharing the Gospel and discipling others out of sheer obedience rather than passion or holy delight. I am thankful for Oswald Chambers and his writings, for God often uses him to speak to me right where I am. Recently, Chambers has helped me see that the valley is not necessarily a trying circumstance, but the “ordinary things of life.” The above quote was extremely eye-opening for me and comforting at the same time. I am not sure if what I am experiencing is missionary burn-out or not, but I am beginning to see that it doesn’t really matter. I must believe that if I am abiding in Christ (which I am), my obedience through this dry season has a purpose and can glorify my Father just as much as when I am on top of the mountain.
Would you take a moment now to pray for Chelsea? Pray also for her ministry and for Venezuela as the Gospel continues to go forth in that country.
Sunday Rewind | 10.14.2012
Awesome Is The Lord Most High (Psalm 47:1-2) – See The Morning by Chris Tomlin
Everlasting God (Isaiah 40:28-29) – Everlasting God by Chris Tomlin
By Faith (Psalm 145:13) – Awaken the Dawn by Keith & Kristyn Getty
How Great Is Your Faithfulness (Lamentations 3:22-23) – I Will Not Be Shaken by Matt Redman
Faithful (Lamentations 3:22-23) – Burn For You by Steve Fee
TEACHING: The Next Generation Church – Loves Locally
As we continue our series on The Next Generation Church, Pastor Mike looks at the aspect of loving locally. Loving locally as a church is a direct expression of the generosity of the people of God.
- As you think about last weekend’s sermon, what one principle or insight stands out as being particularly helpful, insightful, or difficult to grasp?
- Why is it difficult to admit to being a greedy person?
- Read and discuss Luke 12:13-21. What do these verses tell us about greed & generosity?
- Read and discuss Acts 4:32-37. What do you observe about the attitude of Christ-followers in these verses? Do you see this attitude reflected in our church? Why or why not?
- How is loving locally as a church tied to generosity?
- Scripture teaches five principles in stewarding money – earning, saving, investing, spending & giving. Which do you spend the most time on? Which do you spend the least time on?
- Reflecting on the “Cheerio Principle,” what “cheerios” in your life do you have trouble letting go of? What is one practical thing you can do this next week to release some of those “cheerios”? Spend some time in prayer for each other for those areas.
Alistair Begg & The Abundant Life Conference
We want to extend our appreciation to the many volunteers (including RBC Staff) who worked together as a team to help the Abundant Life Conference featuring Alistair Begg run so smoothly. This includes the people during the conference who came by and extended their services in any way we needed help. To all of you – THANK YOU!!! We were truly blessed by the magnitude of so many servant hearts.
It was also exciting to see so many people coming from many areas/states joining together to hear the Word of God proclaimed. We’d also like to extend a special thanks to the people at Alistair Begg’s Bible-teaching ministry, Truth for Life, who provided the information kits for the conference.
Diane Sheldon & Sue Illari, event coordinators
on behalf of the Men’s & Women’s Ministries of Reston Bible Church
Sunday Rewind | 9.30.2012
O Worship the King (Psalm 145:9-10) – Hymns Ancient & Modern by Chris Tomlin (Passion)
How Great Thou Art (Psalm 145:3) – Hymns Ancient & Modern by Charlie Hall (Passion)
Let Your Kingdom Come (Psalm 59:16-17) – Valley of Vision by Sovereign Grace Music
Give Me Faith (Psalm 73:25-26) – Kingdom Come by Elevation Worship
Alive In Us (Ephesians 2:4-5) – God Is Able by Hillsong
TEACHING: The Next Generation Church – Knows Christ
Pastor Mike begins a series that will look at the next generation of our church. What will Reston Bible Church look like as we move forward in stewarding all that God has given us? The greater intimacy we have with Jesus, the greater the impact of our story.
- What is your story as relating to knowing Christ? What specific people God has used to impact your story?
- What does it mean to “know Christ”? Has this term become cliché? How can we keep “knowing Christ” from being cliché in our own lives?
- Read and discuss Acts 26. What does this chapter tell you about knowing Christ and making Him known?
- What does our fallen nature have to do with knowing Christ?
- What is the difference between knowing Jesus and knowing about Jesus?
- How might we help each other know Christ in greater ways?
Sunday Rewind | 9.23.2012
Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee (Psalm 5:11) – Hymns Ancient & Modern by Charlie Hall (Passion)
King of Glory (Psalm 24:9-10) – Arriving by Chris Tomlin
Your Love Never Fails (Romans 8:28) – Your Love Never Fails by Jesus Culture
All Creatures of Our God and King (Psalm 148:13) – Original Arrangement
Glorious (Psalm 111:2-3) – Glorious by Paul Baloche
TEACHING: In Plain Sight
The gospel of Jesus Christ is the baseline for living the Christian life. Yet, Christians often treat the gospel as a remedial element of the Christian life that we “get” and then move on from. Yet, the gospel is power for living now, and all of Scripture points us to it. We must continually appeal to the gospel of Jesus if we are to walk as Jesus walked.
- What one word comes to mind when you hear the world “gospel”?
- How has your understanding of the gospel changed as you have walked with Jesus?
- Read 1 Corinthians 15:1-4. What might this tell you about the nature of man? What does it tell you about Jesus Christ?
- What does this passage reveal to us about the gospel?
- In what way is the gospel the ultimate standard for living?
- Pastor Mike shared how the gospel impacts eternity, morality, suffering, generosity, marriage, possessions, and forgiveness. Which of these areas resonates with you personally? What other areas have you seen the gospel impact in your life?
- What is one area of your life where you need to appeal to the gospel? Spend some time in prayer, asking God to impact this area with the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ.