Sunday Rewind | 2.17.2013
Your Grace Is Enough (Ephesians 2:8-9) – Arriving by Chris Tomlin
Everlasting God (Isaiah 40:28-29) – See The Morning by Chris Tomlin
Mighty To Save (Zephaniah 3:17) – Mighty To Save by Hillsong
How Deep The Father’s Love For Us (Galatians 6:14) – See What A Morning by Stuart Townend
TEACHING: The Forgotten War, Part 6
PART 6: THE ARMOR OF GOD – Perhaps the greatest strategy the enemy has against the church is to sideline Christians by making us comfortable to the point that we have no impact on the world around us. But God provides all we need for the battle, and He provides the victory.
- What is one thing from this message you hope to discuss as a group?
- Read and discuss Ephesians 6:10-20. What do these verses tell you the nature of man? What do they tell us about our enemy? What do they tell us about God?
- How does our culture tend to present Satan as a fairytale character? How are we prone to fall into that trap?
- How does Satan sideline Christians, making us ineffective for the Kingdom of Light?
- Has there ever been a season in your Christian pilgrimage where you have felt sidelined? What happened?
- How does the Gospel empower us to get off the sidelines and engage in “the forgotten war”?
- In his sermon “Getting Used to the Dark,” Vance Havner points out how easy it is for Christ-followers to become desensitized to darkness in our lives. Is there an area in your own life where you’ve gotten used to the darkness? What would it look like to move from darkness to light in that area? How might the Gospel enable that move?
- As you have gone through this teaching series, what have been some big take-aways for you? Spend some time in prayer with your small group about how God might have you practically apply what you have learned.
Men’s Ministry News – February 2013
Men of RBC,
The Men’s Ministry would like to invite you to some upcoming activities that have been designed to positively and encouragingly impact your walk with the Lord and in turn your spheres of influence.
Men’s Ministry weekly discipleship classes are a great way to get connected and increase your knowledge of the word and provide you with some mid-week encouragement. No previous experience or Bible knowledge is required; all you need is a willingness to grow and be challenged. For a course listing and full details, please visit
- FUEL—Men of Action: The Role of Authentic Men in the Next Generation Church. Join us on this journey to Authentic Manhood. Tuesdays 6:25-7:30 AM – Sr. High Bldg.
- Training Faithful Men-Great Doctrines of the Faith. No registration required. For questions, call or email Ray Shoaff (703-625-5595, Wednesday 6:00-7:00 AM – Sr. High Bldg.
- Exemplary Husband – Wednesday 7:00-9:00 PM- New class starts 3/13, Room 250. For questions, call Brad Hummel at 703-489-6028.
When: Monday, February 18, 2013, 7:00 PM-8:30 PM
Where: RBC, Room 238
Topic: “Will the Real Jesus Please Stand Up! False Christs in a Pluralistic World” – The Jesus of the Couch Potato
Speaker: Pete Lackey
An 11 Week Journey to Connect Faith and Work
When: February 25-May13, 2013 7:00-9:00 PM
Where: Youth Building, Senior High Rm.
Does your work have significance? Join us for a first-of-its-kind, collaborative program to help you see your job—and company—in a whole new way. Whether you have a desk job, you work in the field, you’re a manager, or you’re the CEO, this course will be an 11-week journey, designed with you in mind. It’s packed with deep content and challenging insights to connect faith and business. RBC has a large community of men and women in the workforce. Our heart is to help you connect and learn with others what it means to really live out your faith—ALL WEEK LONG!
Please Register Now. Our first session is free and will set the tone for the entire series. We’ll explore the topic, “Why Work?” it will challenge the way you view your job and your career!!! If you have any questions, contact Brad Hill at 703-517-9941. You can register on line for the free session or for the entire 11 sessions of $55. Scholarships available.
Sunday Rewind | 2.3.2013
Our God Is Love (1 John 4:9-10) – A Beautiful Exchange by Hillsong
Faithful (Lamentations 3:22-23) – Attention by Kristian Stanfill
Forever Reign (Lamentations 5:19) – A Beautiful Exchange by Hillsong
All Creatures of Our God and King (Psalm 148:13) – Original Arrangement
Unending Love (Romans 8:38-39) – God Is Able by Hillsong
TEACHING: The Forgotten War, Part 4
PART 4: KINGDOMS IN CONFLICT – We are in constant struggle between the war of two kingdoms – the Kingdom of Darkness, or the world system, and the Kingdom of Light. We must see this conflict through the eyes of Scripture in order to engage as children of the Kingdom of Light.
- If you were to give a one-sentence version of this message, what would it be?
- Read and discuss 1 John 5:18-21. What do these verses tell you the nature of man? What do they tell us about God?
- What is “spiritual sight”? Why is it important? How do we get it?
- What is the Kingdom of Darkness? What is the Kingdom of Light?
- What strategies, devices & tactics does the Kingdom of Darkness use to blind our minds and neutralize us? How does Scripture answer these?
- What strategies, devices and tactics does the Kingdom of Light employ? What role does the church play in this?
- “Wherever a child of the kingdom goes, they bring the kingdom with them.” Where might God be calling you to bring the kingdom? Spend some time in prayer with your small group about this.
Sunday Rewind | 1.20.2013
O Worship The King (Psalm 145:9-10) – Hymns Ancient & Modern by Chris Tomlin (Passion)
Sing, Sing, Sing (Psalm 47:6-7) – Hello Love by Chris Tomlin
How Great Thou Art (Psalm 145:3) – Hymns Ancient & Modern by Charlie Hall (Passion)
Majesty (Isaiah 53:5) – Majesty: The Worship EP by Leeland
You Never Let Go (Psalm 23:4) – Beautiful News by Matt Redman
God Is Able (Ephesians 3:20-21) – God Is Able by Hillsong
TEACHING: The Forgotten War, Part 2
PART 2: THE BATTLEFIELD OF THE MIND – The lies of the enemy constantly attack our minds, leading us away from the pure truth of the Word of God. His tactics follow the same pattern nearly every time; a combination of doubt, direct contradictions of the Word of God, and half-truths.
- Are you now habitually watching, reading, going to places or doing things that five or ten years ago would have brought conviction to your moral conscience?
- Do you now own something that you believed, before you got it that it, would totally satisfy you?
- How are these indicative that the enemy may have staked a claim in the battlefield of your heart and mind?
- As you think back on this sermon, what one principle, insight or example stands out as being particularly interesting, helpful, difficult or confusing?
- In what ways is the mind a battlefield for spiritual warfare? How have you experienced this?
- Read and discuss Ephesians 2:1-7. What do these verses tell you the nature of man? What do they reveal to us about the nature of Christ and His gospel?
- Last week’s sermon included a discussion of Ephesians 6:10-20. What parallels do you note between these verses and Ephesians 2:1-7?
- Read and discuss Genesis 3:1-7. Satan creates doubt, follows it with a blatant lie, then throws out a half-truth. Have you ever seen this pattern at work in your own life?
- What are some common lies we all tend to believe and struggle with?
- Are you able to identify and share a specific lie that you are currently believing? What would it look like for you to believe the truth in this area of your life? How can your small group pray for you in this area?
VIDEO: Oh How I Need You
Since so many of you requested a copy of the special song performed in our January 6 worship services, we put this little video together for you. Here is Erik, Jesse and Melody performing Oh How I Need You by All Sons & Daughters. Enjoy!
When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” – John 8:12
VIDEO: Marriage Booster Promo
IS IT SAFE? How to Take Your Marriage to a Deeper Level of Emotional Intimacy.
Are there some topics that are taboo in your marriage? You know, those areas of discussion that you avoid because venturing there always seems to end up shaking the foundations of commitment to one another. In other words, you “don’t feel safe going there”. Join us on Friday, January 18 for our first Marriage Booster of the year. Pastor Paul Goodnight will help us learn how to take marriage to a deeper level of emotional commitment and trust.
The evening starts on your own with a dinner date for you and your spouse, with discussion questions provided by Pastor Paul Goodnight. Afterward we’ll meet back at RBC, where Pastor Paul Goodnight will speak.
Sunday Rewind | 1.13.2013
Alive In Us (Ephesians 2:8-9) – God Is Able by Hillsong
With Us (Psalm 46:10-11a) – God Is Able by Hillsong
Nothing But The Blood (Ephesians 1:7-9) – Facedown by Matt Redman
My Deliverer (Psalm 18:2) – Hello Love by Chris Tomlin
Always (Psalm 121:1-2) – Here For You by Kristian Stanfill (Passion)
TEACHING: The Forgotten War, Part 1
Spiritual warfare is constantly raging around us, and ignoring it will keep us in bondage to it. We need not fear our enemy, but we must be aware of what he is doing so we do not fall captive to his schemes.
- As you reflect on this sermon, what is one thing you hope we discuss as a group?
- What comes to mind when you think of spiritual warfare? How would rate your personal awareness of spiritual warfare?
- Read and discuss Ephesians 6:10-20. What do these verses tell you the nature of man? What do they reveal to us about God?
- How do you think our everyday irritations, arguments, conflicts, etc. are related to “the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms”?
- Satan mixes truth with error in order to deceive us. What other tactics does he use? How have you seen these at work in culture/society? How have you fallen prey to some of these tactics?
- Is there an area of current spiritual warfare you can identify in your life? How does the Gospel address this struggle? How can your small group pray for you in this area?
Sunday Rewind | 12.16.2012
Angels We Have Heard on High (Luke 2:13-14) – Christmas Offerings by Third Day
Hark The Herald Angels Sing (Luke 2:9-10) – Original Arrangement
I Lift My Hands (Psalm 46:10) – And If Our God Is For Us… by Chris Tomlin
Mighty To Save (Zephaniah 3:17) – Yahweh by Hillsong Chapel
God, You Lifted Me Out (Psalm 30:1-2) – For The Honor by Elevation Worship
Always (Psalm 121:1-2) – Here For You by Kristian Stanfill (Passion)
Pastor Wayne Johnson takes a look at the life of Peter, whose world was rocked by Jesus’ call to follow Him. What was it about Jesus that so captivated Peter’s heart? The way Jesus captured Peter’s heart is the same way He captures ours, and we will live for and from whatever captures our hearts.
- If Pastor Wayne were to give an abbreviated version of last Sunday’s messages, what one or two points would you tell him to make sure he leaves in, no matter what?
- Read and discuss 1 Peter 1:3-9. What do these verses tell you about Jesus? What are the implications for your personal faith in Him?
- Our culture values privacy, busyness, and comfort. What else does our culture value?
- How does does the Gospel go against the grain of our culture?
- In what ways can culture distort the Gospel? How can culture be used as a vessel for the Gospel?
- What do you find captivating about the person of Jesus Christ?
- Was there ever an area in your life as a Christian where you sensed Jesus’ call to follow Him? What happened? Is there an area in your life now where He is asking you to follow Him? Pray about this area with your small group.
Sunday Rewind | 12.9.2012
O Come All Ye Faithful (Luke 2:14-15) – Original Arrangement
Awesome is the Lord Most High (Psalm 47:1-2) – See the Morning by Chris Tomlin
In Christ Alone (Philippians 3:7-8) – Original Arrangement
Hosanna (Mark 11:9-10) – All of the Above by Hillsong
Your Love O Lord (Psalm 36:7) – Original Arrangement
TEACHING: Taking God Seriously – Part 4
How often do we allow our personal prejudices and biases dictate how we view – and treat – other people? As Pastor Mike teaches through the final chapter of Jonah, we see that to take God seriously, we must take people seriously – even when they are different than we are.
- As you reflect on this sermon, what is one principle or insight that stands out as as being particularly helpful, insightful or difficult to grasp?
- Read and discuss Jonah 4. What do you learn about the nature of God? What do you observe about the nature of man?
- What is the significance of the plant in these verses?
- Where is Jonah’s prejudice or bias evident in these verses?
- “Christians have become really good at being good.” Do you agree or disagree? Why? What are the implications of this statement?
- Why is the human heart pulled to bigotry? How do you see this played out in the world? How do you see it played out in the church?
- How does the Gospel of Christ deal with our bent toward bias, prejudice and bigotry?
Sunday Rewind | 12.2.2012
Glorious (Psalm 111:2-3) – Everything Glorious by Chris Tomlin (Passion)
God Is With Us (Psalm 46:10-11a) – Louder Than Creation by Michael Olson (North Point)
With Us (Psalm 46:10-11a) – God Is Able by Hillsong
Sing, Sing, Sing (Psalms 47:6-7) – Hello Love by Chris Tomlin
All Creatures Of Our God And King (Psalm 148:13) – Original Arrangement
How Great Is Our God (Psalms 145:3-4) – Arriving by Chris Tomlin
TEACHING: Taking God Seriously – Part 3
Obedience is a key part of the Christian life, and God enables us in whatever He has called us to. It is not our purpose as Christ-followers to pass moral judgement on the world and society at-large. Rather, we are to uphold the testimony of the Gospel by holding fellow Christians accountable to obedience to the Word of God.
- What’s one thing from this sermon that you hope we talk about as a group?
- Read and discuss Jonah 3. What do you learn about the nature of God? What do you observe about the nature of man?
- In Jonah 3:1, what is the significance of God coming to Jonah a “second time”?
- Can a person take God seriously without obeying Him? What role does obedience play in the Christian life?
- Do you think Christians are known most for what we are against, rather than what we are for? Why?
- Discuss this statement. Do you agree or disagree and why? “As followers of Christ, we do not have the right to impose our moral views on society.”
- Has God ever given you a specific calling to do or be something or to go somewhere?
- Have you been obedient to that calling? If yes, how did you experience God’s enabling? If no, how can your small group encourage you toward obedience?