Blog Posts by Jason VanDorsten

Announcing New Elder Candidates

Our council of elders are responsible for the care, oversight, leadership, and shepherding of the spiritual condition and fiscal well-being of the church. RBC elders are men who have been examined and meet the biblical qualifications as set forth in 1 Timothy 5:17, Titus 1:9, 1 Peter 5:1-3, Acts 20:28, and Mark 10:42-45. Along with our pastors, deacons, staff, and lay-leaders, they serve, lead, pray for, and minister to our congregation in word and in deed.

Two candidates, John Smith and Sujay Philips, have completed a year-long candidacy process. As the final stage of that process, we would love your feedback on both or either of these men. If you have affirmations or concerns, please email the elders at

Sujay Phillips was born in 1971 in Bellary, India. Raised in a loving home, he grew up with a cultural understanding of Christianity. He graduated with a mechanical engineering degree from Bellary. At 23 yrs., Sujay professed faith in Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and Savior by the grace of God under the loving, caring and faithful mentorship of Mr. Janardhan Rao. By God’s providence, Sujay met his wife Leena through his parents, and they were married in 1996. Sujay and Leena have two children, Sheryll and Samuel.

By God’s providence, Sujay came to the United States in the year 2000 in pursuit of a better future for their family. God has been so faithful in providing for their needs beyond measure. The greatest blessing for Sujay here in the U.S. has been the immense joy of knowing the heart of God more intimately leading to a passionate, faithful walk with God. He has been attending Reston Bible Church since 2011 and loves RBC because RBC is a Bible-believing, Bible-honoring, Bible-centered, Bible-teaching church.

Sujay loves God with all his heart, mind, soul and strength and loves his neighbor as himself. His desire is to serve and care, listen and pray, exhort, encourage and build the body of Christ at RBC. His desire is for RBC to be the beautiful bride of Christ where individuals are rooted in Christ, marriages are strong in Christ and families are united in Christ, for the glory of God resulting in RBC being a shining light in our communities.

John Smith grew up in a military family and attended the base Chapel for Sunday services. While he learned a lot about God, it wasn’t until his junior year in high school, after his dad had retired from the military and his family settled down in Washington state, that John’s faith became real. A neighbor invited him to Sunday school where John heard the Gospel, and a short time later, asked Jesus to be his Savior.

John attended the U.S. Air Force Academy and by God’s grace was invited to be a part of a Bible study where he grew in his faith. Following pilot training, John married his high school sweetheart, Jana. For the next 25 years, they moved around the country, including a tour in the United Kingdom, and raised 8 kids, 4 boys and 4 girls. In the midst of this journey, their third child, and second son, Zane, died from leukemia at the age of two.

He and his family first came to RBC in 1995 when John was on a 4-year tour at the Pentagon. John retired from the Air Force in 2007 and is back supporting the Air Force at the Pentagon as a contractor. He has served in various positions at RBC including AWANA, Helping Hands, the Men’s Ministry, Shepherd Groups, and the Deacons.

John is amazed at what happened at the cross where God, who created the universe, humbled Himself by becoming a man, demonstrated His holiness by judging our sin, and then demonstrated His love for us by paying our death sentence Himself, all that we might have the opportunity by faith to restore our relationship with Him.

Ordination of Tony Cho

We were blessed last weekend to formally ordain Tony Cho as a RBC pastor.

Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15

Preparing for Sunday | July 17

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Open Up The Heavens  | [listen | lyrics]
Meredith Andrews, Stuart Garrard. James McDonald, Andi Rozier
Isaiah 64:1

‘Tis So Sweet | [listen]
Louisa M. R. Stead
Psalm 34:8

For Me And My House (We Belong To The Lord) | [listen]
Dustin Smith, Jordan Calle, and Krissy Nordhoff
Joshua 24:15

Jesus Strong And Kind | [listen]
Colin Buchanan, Jonny Robinson, Michael Farren, and Rich Thompson
Matthew 11:28-29


Matthew 11


“Take My yoke upon you, and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” (Matthew 11:29)

Preparing for Sunday | July 10

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I Stand Amazed | [listen]
Charles H. Gabriel
2 Corinthians 8:9

Christ Be Magnified | [listen]
Cody Carnes, Cory Asbury, Ethan Hulse
Revelation 5:13

Wonderful Merciful Savior | [listen]
Dawn Rodgers, Eric Wyse
Psalm 117

Lead Me to the Cross | [listen + lyrics]
Brooke Fraser
Luke 9:23

His Mercy Is More | [listen + lyrics]
Matt Boswell, Matt Papa
Romans 5:20


John 10


“I am the good Shepherd. I know My own and My own know me, just as the Father knows Me and I know the Father; and I lay down My life for the sheep.” (John 10:14-15)

Preparing for Sunday | July 3

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House of the Lord | [listen]
Jonathan Smith, Phil Wickham
Revelation 19:16

Living Hope | [listen]
Phil Wickham, Brian Johnson
1 Peter 1:3

Christ Be Magnified | [listen + lyrics]
Cody Carnes, Cory Asbury, Ethan Hulse
Revelation 5:13

Hallelujah What A Savior | [listen + lyrics]
Philip Paul Bliss
Titus 3:5-6

Man of Sorrows | [listen]
Matt Crocker, Brooke Ligertwood
Isaiah 53:3


John 6


“Jesus said to them, ‘I am the bread of life; whoever comes to Me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in Me shall never thirst.'” (John 6:35)

Preparing for Sunday | June 26

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House of the Lord | [listen]
Jonathan Smith, Phil Wickham
Revelation 19:16

King of Kings | [listen + lyrics]
Brooke Ligertwood, Jason Ingram, and Scott Ligertwood
Revelation 19:16

Be Thou My Vision | [listen]
Eleanor Henrietta Hull, Mary Elizabeth Byrne (Arrangement: Ascend The Hill)
2 Corinthians 3:17-18

Lord I Need You | [listen + lyrics]
Jesse Reeves, Matt Maher, Christy Nockels, Daniel Carson
Hebrews 4:16


Matthew 14


“He said, ‘Come.’ So Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water and came to Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid, and beginning to sink he cried out, ‘Lord, save me.’ Jesus immediately reached out his hand and took hold of him, saying to him, ‘O you of little faith, why did you doubt?'” (Matthew 14:29-31)

Preparing for Sunday | June 19

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Great Things (Worth It All) | [listen]
Mack Brock, Chris Brown, Wade Joye.
Psalm 126:3

Goodness of God [listen + lyrics]
Jenn Johnson, Jason Ingram, Ben Fielding, Ed Cash, Brian Johnson
1 Chronicles 16:34

The Blessing [listen + lyrics]
Kari Jobe, Cody Carnes, Steven Furtick, Chris Brown
Numbers 6:24-25

For Me And My House (We Belong To The Lord) | [listen]
Dustin Smith, Jordan Calle, and Krissy Nordhoff
Joshua 24:15


Joshua 24


“Choose this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your fathers served in the region beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” (Joshua 24:15b)