QUEST: Clubhouse Service for November 22
Family Quest: Extreme Makeover, Spiritual Edition – Mind, Lesson 1
When we talk about our mind what exactly do we mean? What are the functions of the mind? When we talk about the mind in the Bible we are talking thoughts, attitudes, imagination, will, purposes, convictions, intelligence, understanding, and memory. In the Bible the mind and the heart are closely tied together. Many times they are used interchangeably. They communicate and work together to influence our actions.
What would the mind of a Jesus follower increasingly look like?
Download Mind, Lesson 1QUEST: Preschool Lesson for November 22
This week’s reading from the Jesus Storybook Bible:
The Forgiving Prince, p. 76
This week’s Big Idea:
God is always in control.
This week’s Key Verse:
Genesis 50:20
QUEST: Clubhouse Missions Service for November 15
Family Quest: Missions Sunday
We believe the whole church, including children, should be involved in missions as outlined in the Bible (Matthew 28:19-20, Acts 1:8, Roman 10:13-14, Matthew 24:14).
Quest4Missions is a direct reflection of the commitment of Reston Bible Church to missions and missionaries. It is the goal of Q4M to foster this same passion in the hearts of our children at a very young age. One of the ways we do this is focusing on missions during Missions Sunday in the same way that the main service does.
Here are some ways you can get involved at home on Missions Sunday:
- f you don’t attend in person, watch the video of the QUEST service for Missions Sunday (live on or posted later on RBC-supported missionaries will be speaking to the QUEST kids.
- Read through the RBC Missionary Booklet (you can get one at the Welcome Desk) and pick a missionary to pray for. Send them an email or note letting them know you are thinking of them.
- Use a globe or map to pick out different countries and pray for the work of the Gospel there.
- Research and learn about a missionary from history.
- Read Matthew 28:16-20 and discuss The Great Commission.
- Check out the QUEST library or order your own copies of some of the resources below!
Recommended Resources on Missions/Missionaries
- Window on the World by Molly Wall: This book is a guide for children to learn about different countries and cultures and focus their prayers on specific needs for those areas of the globe.
- Trailblazer Series by Dave and Neta Jackson (missionary stories)
- Heroes of the Faith Series (missionary stories)
Visit to read more or to give to the QUEST mission project online
QUEST: Preschool Lesson for November 15
This week’s reading from the Jesus Storybook Bible:
Chapter 8: The Girl No One Wanted, p. 70
This week’s Big Idea:
God often does amazing things through those who are unloved, unwanted, unattractive, and unpopular.
This week’s Key Verse:
Genesis 50:20
QUEST: Outdoor Service for November 8
Family Quest: Extreme Makeover, Spiritual Edition – Soul, Lesson 3
What Is the Goal of the Soul?
Our souls were built for relationship with God. That relationship once founded in Christ, can either be cultivated or neglected. Remember back to your childhood for a moment. When you learned to turn cartwheels or dive headfirst into the pool, did you shout, “Daddy! Look at me”? How about when you got good grades, your first job, or got engaged? In a healthy father-child relationship it is natural to want to please Dad. How much more so our perfect heavenly Father? Cultivating our relationship with God means aiming to please him out of love, not obligation. When we love God with our soul we are pleased to please Him. Take a nice slow read of the following two passages and then prayerfully reflect on how we can help the kids cultivate their soul relationship with the Father.
Download Soul, Lesson 3QUEST: Preschool Lesson for November 8
This week’s reading from the Jesus Storybook Bible:
Chapter 7: The Present, p. 62
This week’s Big Idea:
God provides a substitute. He provided Jesus for us!
This week’s Key Verse:
Genesis 15:6