Blog Posts by Tony Cho

BABY QUEST: July Lessons

Baby QUEST is Reston Bible Church’s ministry to the youngest members of our Body.

Each month, we will feature a guide for your family to use with children ages 0-2. The guide includes follow up activities, a craft or sensory activity, recommended reading, a song, and other tips that are uniquely tailored to the development of infants and toddlers.

The guide follows the themes we are teaching in our nursery classes, giving you an opportunity to connect and reinforce the ideas taught at home. Because children this age need repetition, each activity can be done multiple times throughout the month to continue to press it upon your child’s memory as they grow!

This month, we’re focusing on the story of Baby Moses. Children will learn about God’s love and care for Moses, and connect it to His love and care for themselves and each other. Children will discuss and identify different ways that God cares for us.

Big Idea:
God Cares for Us

Scripture Focus:
Exodus 1-2

Download the monthly guide

Family Quest: Extreme Makeover, Spiritual Edition – Go, Lesson 2



This week we will be helping the kids understand what it means to witness in word. We’ll talk about the simple gospel message and we’ll talk about testifying to Christ in our lives. This is the kind of spiritual maturity we should all be praying for in our Quest kids.

Christian witnessing is merely sharing our heartfelt faith in Christ – what He’s personally done to change our individual lives! We’re not called to argue or debate anyone into heaven. We’re merely called to share! As in the courtroom, we’re called to be a witness for the Gospel, not the lawyer, judge or jury… Leave that up to God! – Author unknown

Download Go, Lesson 2

Family Quest: Extreme Makeover, Spiritual Edition – Go, Lesson 1



What makes for an effective witness in a court of law? Honesty, consistency, clarity, genuineness and the power to convince. Before you testify to what the Lord has done for all who would believe and for you personally, ask yourself the following questions:

Am I honest about what my condition was before Christ and the struggles with sin and trials that I still experience? Is there a consistency between my words and the testimony of my life? Do I speak the truth of Christ clearly, not with fancy words but as one who has first hand knowledge of the gospel? Do I speak the truth like a real person would or am I stilted and canned like I’m reading from a tract? If you answered yes to these questions you may think you’ve got everything it takes to be an effective witness. Think again!

Download Go, Lesson 1

Family Quest: Extreme Makeover, Spiritual Edition – Unit 3 Intro



The Command: “Hello, my name is Private Joe Smith, US Army. I am commanding you all to risk your families, your reputations, and your very life by carrying out this mission I’ve thought up.”

The Response: “Say what?! Who do you think you are? How do I know this mission has even been authorized? I wouldn’t risk my pocket change following a command like that.”

At least that’s how I would respond. How about you? How can you follow someone with no authority to lead in the first place? Now let’s go to the risen Jesus and the disciples on that mountain in Galilee.

Download Unit 3 Intro

BABY QUEST: June Lessons

Baby QUEST is Reston Bible Church’s ministry to the youngest members of our Body.

Each month, we will feature a guide for your family to use with children ages 0-2. The guide includes follow up activities, a craft or sensory activity, recommended reading, a song, and other tips that are uniquely tailored to the development of infants and toddlers.

The guide follows the themes we are teaching in our nursery classes, giving you an opportunity to connect and reinforce the ideas taught at home. Because children this age need repetition, each activity can be done multiple times throughout the month to continue to press it upon your child’s memory as they grow!

This month, we’re focusing on the story of Noah and the ark. Children will learn to identify God as a protector who desires to keep us safe as He kept Noah, his family, and the animals safe.

Big Idea:
God Keeps Me Safe

Scripture Focus:
Genesis 6-9

Download the monthly guide