Family Quest: The Hope – The Story of God’s Promise (Lesson 3)
“According to His story, God spoke all of creation into existence. By His Word He made everything out of nothing… According to His story, God created the heavens, the earth, and every living thing in six days.” – The HOPE, Chapter 1
After reading the preceding excerpt from The HOPE video, let’s consider a few of these concepts. First, because God is all powerful, not limited by anything, He can create however He chooses, even simply by speaking. This concept is clearly presented in the Bible:
“Then God said, ‘Let there be light’; and there was light.” (Genesis 1:3)
“…by the word of God the heavens existed long ago and the earth was formed.” (2 Peter 3:5)
Download Lesson 3– – –
ABOUT FAMILY QUEST: At Reston Bible Church, we firmly believe that parents are a child’s first and most important spiritual leader. In order to support you that mission, we have created a parent devotional and some discussion starters to go along with each lesson your grade school age children are learning at Quest on Sundays. Our hope and prayer is that this material will help you to engage with your children around the topics they are learning on Sunday mornings, answer their questions, go deeper with them, and find real, day-to-day applications. We are honored to be able to partner with you in the critical task of sharing Christ with the next generation.
BABY QUEST: October Lessons
Baby QUEST is Reston Bible Church’s ministry to the youngest members of our Body.
Each month, we will feature a guide for your family to use with children ages 0-2. The guide includes follow up activities, a craft or sensory activity, recommended reading, a song, and other tips that are uniquely tailored to the development of infants and toddlers.
The guide follows the themes we are teaching in our nursery classes, giving you an opportunity to connect and reinforce the ideas taught at home. Because children this age need repetition, each activity can be done multiple times throughout the month to continue to press it upon your child’s memory as they grow!
This month, we’re focusing on the story of Jesus and the storm. Children will love interacting with this story! They will learn about God’s power over all things, including things that are very dramatic and mysterious to young children-wind and rain! They will be introduced to the safety they have in God and will be guided in thanking God for His power and protection.
Big Idea:
God is Powerful!
Scripture Focus:
Mark 4
Family Quest: The Hope – The Story of God’s Promise (Lesson 2)
“Before there was anything, before time or space or physical matter, there was God…One who is far beyond our ability to fully comprehend or describe. Through His story, we find that God is Spirit without a beginning or an end. He is complete within Himself, lacking in nothing. He is all knowing and all wise. He is perfect in every way. He is not limited by anything.” – The HOPE, Chapter 1
The first week of our study presented evidence that the Bible is the most trustworthy reference point in all the world for understanding reality. The Bible is God’s revelation of Himself, and it reveals truth about God in two ways. One way is by demonstration: recording God’s action and interaction with the world and humankind. Another way is by declaration: making direct statements or claims about the nature and character of God.
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ABOUT FAMILY QUEST: At Reston Bible Church, we firmly believe that parents are a child’s first and most important spiritual leader. In order to support you that mission, we have created a parent devotional and some discussion starters to go along with each lesson your grade school age children are learning at Quest on Sundays. Our hope and prayer is that this material will help you to engage with your children around the topics they are learning on Sunday mornings, answer their questions, go deeper with them, and find real, day-to-day applications. We are honored to be able to partner with you in the critical task of sharing Christ with the next generation.
QUEST: Preschool Lesson for September 26
This week’s reading from the Jesus Storybook Bible:
The Beginning, p. 18
This week’s Big Idea:
In the beginning God created everything and it was good.
This week’s Key Verse:
Genesis 1:1
Family Quest: The Hope – The Story of God’s Promise (Lesson 1)
The Universal Question: Is there a purpose…for the world and for me?
The HOPE video begins with these words…
“Throughout time people have considered the world in which we live; the complexity and beauty of nature, the mystery of life and death, the depth of human joy and pain …and they have wondered, ‘How did it all come to be? Is this world the result of chance…or design? Is there something, or someone, behind it all? And if there is such a being, then what is He like? Does He have a purpose for this world? Does He have a purpose for me in this world? Does He have a purpose for me beyond this world?” – The HOPE video, Introduction
Jeremiah 29:13 reads: “And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.”
This is the heart of Quest. Some of our kids may be asking questions about the existence of God, others may just be wanting to know Him more. In both cases He promises to be found when we search wholeheartedly for Him.
It begins with you and me. As we dive in to this study, be prepared to let God show you who He is, and to discover new things about God and yourself. Determine that you will “search for Him with
your whole heart,” and then lead the children to do the same.
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ABOUT FAMILY QUEST: At Reston Bible Church, we firmly believe that parents are a child’s first and most important spiritual leader. In order to support you that mission, we have created a parent devotional and some discussion starters to go along with each lesson your grade school age children are learning at Quest on Sundays. Our hope and prayer is that this material will help you to engage with your children around the topics they are learning on Sunday mornings, answer their questions, go deeper with them, and find real, day-to-day applications. We are honored to be able to partner with you in the critical task of sharing Christ with the next generation.
QUEST: Preschool Lesson for September 19
This week’s reading from the Jesus Storybook Bible:
“The Story and the Song,” p 12
This week’s Big Idea:
The Bible is about Jesus and what God has done for us.
This week’s Key Verse:
Genesis 1:1
BABY QUEST: September Lessons
Baby QUEST is Reston Bible Church’s ministry to the youngest members of our Body.
Each month, we will feature a guide for your family to use with children ages 0-2. The guide includes follow up activities, a craft or sensory activity, recommended reading, a song, and other tips that are uniquely tailored to the development of infants and toddlers.
The guide follows the themes we are teaching in our nursery classes, giving you an opportunity to connect and reinforce the ideas taught at home. Because children this age need repetition, each activity can be done multiple times throughout the month to continue to press it upon your child’s memory as they grow!
This month, we’re focusing on the story of Daniel and the lion’s den. Children love this story! They are engrossed by the drama of Daniel and the wild, scary lions–but most importantly, the story teaches them many truths, including about God’s power, strength, and protection. We will especially focus on Daniel’s prayers to God and talk about how we can talk to God too. Children will be introduced to prayer, prayed for, and guided to join in prayer on their own.
Big Idea:
We can pray to God!
Scripture Focus:
Daniel 6
QUEST: Preschool Lesson for August 22
This week’s reading from the Jesus Storybook Bible:
“Running Away,” p. 272
This week’s Big Idea:
Because of Jesus, God forgives us and brings us home!
This week’s Key Verse:
Ephesians 2:8-9
Family Quest: Extreme Makeover, Spiritual Edition – Conclusion
“And never forget, I even I, the King of kings, the Lord of lords, the Son of the Most High, endowed with all glory, power, and authority, yes I, Jesus am always present with you to bless, to empower, to guide, to comfort, and to enable. You will never have to face a day without me.” Isn’t this what Jesus was telling the group of disciples He had just commissioned to change the world? This was no afterthought. Our Savior knew the impossibility of the task He was giving and He was assuring us that He is leading the charge into battle and the victory is His.
Jesus follows the Great Claim (Matthew 28:18) and the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) with the Great Promise (Matthew 28:20). Take a few minutes today to meditate on the Great Promise of God throughout scripture. This promise extends to you and me and is the reason we can take up, with confidence, the cause handed down to us by the Apostles.
QUEST: Preschool Lesson for August 15
This week’s reading from the Jesus Storybook Bible:
“The Man Who Didn’t Have Any Friends (None)”, p. 264
This week’s Big Idea:
The Love of Jesus Changes Us!
This week’s Key Verse:
Ephesians 2:8-9