Blog Posts by Barb Ruffner

Giving Thanks: Book Drive

When I came to work on Monday, in my mailbox I found a stack of thank-you notes from the children at Guilford. These notes were in response from our recent book drive, which provided over 2000 books to these kids, most of whom had no books of their own before the drive.  When you give from your abundance, it is so humbling to be thanked.  Some of the kids wrote that they wished they could come to our church (I wish that too!). One even wrote that we must have a good God and a great faith.  This came from a first-grader, just because we gave him a couple of books.

In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven. – Matthew 5:16

When you come to services this weekend, we will have on display some of the thank-you notes that we have received from the students of Guilford.  It seems appropriate on Thanksgiving weekend to share these sentiments with the congregation.  Thank you for enriching these children’s lives by putting books in their hands.  In the words of one student “Thank you.  Really, I’m not kidding.”

If you weren’t able to bring in your books this fall, we will be having another book drive in the Spring. Hold on to those books, and keep your eye out for an announcement in March 2012.

Giving Thanks: The Food Pantry

In the two months since we re-opened the food pantry, we have jumped up to serving more than 130 families a week.  Almost 100% of our food pantry guests are Hispanic – and that has given us some challenges to overcome.  While we have adapted what we are stocking on the shelves to better meet their needs, we are still learning.  In my ignorance I did not realize how different corn meal is from corn flour – and corn flour is the number-one item in demand and that we cannot keep up with the demand!  I am regularly wiping out the shelves in our local grocery stores as I buy every package of corn flour they have.  Oil to cook the tortillas being made from the corn flour is also in high demand.

One of the culturally different things that we have had to adjust to is the need for larger sized diapers.  The tendency in these cultures appears to be to potty-train their children much later than we do.  Again, in my ignorance, I thought that if you are struggling financially that you would potty train your children as early as possible to cut down on the expense of diapers.  But that is not the case, and we are now stocking larger diapers to meet the need.

My prayer as we move forward is that we would have more volunteers, and in particular more Spanish speakers to interact with our guests – not just getting their food for them, but sitting with them and getting to know them.  The Lord has begun a good work, and now is the time to take it to the next level – sharing our hope with these people who need hope.

This past week we had a new challenge, one that I had not anticipated.  Many of our first-time visitors to the food pantry were illiterate.  We have been diligent to have our signs and forms be in both English and Spanish – but that is not very helpful to someone who cannot read either language.  How does that person cope with the challenges of living in Northern Virginia if they can’t read?  The Lord provided some very kind folks who helped them fill out the sign in sheet and their food order form, and all was well for the moment.  But it broke my heart just a little more.

Please pray for our outreach to a diverse group of people with different backgrounds, cultures and challenges.  Pray for the Lord to raise up more volunteers, and in particular to raise up someone who’s heart is to reach these people.  We really need someone who has the time and heart to take this ministry to the next level.  And as you visit with family and friends this Thanksgiving, and eat too much and laugh a lot, and enjoy all that the Lord has blessed you with – be thankful.

If you are willing to donate to the food pantry, consider going to a local Dollar Store, and purchasing several bottles of oil, packages of sugar, canisters of coffee, shampoos, deodorants.  For the same amount of money you could bless multiple families in need. We have recurring needs for staple items like corn flour (not corn meal), white flour, oil, sugar, cereal, oatmeal, dried beans, rice, canned soup, canned chicken, tuna, ham and chili. Smaller size containers of items such as flour and sugar are helpful, so we can assist more people. The hygiene items most needed are: laundry detergent, soap, toilet paper, toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo, sanitary pads, baby wipes, and formula (preferably Similac). Due to a generous donation from the Huggies “A Diaper for Every Bottom” campaign we will not need diapers for some time.  You can also donate financially to this ministry by putting “food pantry” in the memo line of your check and dropping it in an offering box during weekend services.

Thank you for your ongoing generosity. Please contact me if you would like more information on getting involved with the RBC Food Pantry.

Giving Thanks: Trunk-or-Treat

Snow.  On October 29th.  During our Trunk-or-Treat Halloween outreach event.  Is that even possible?  Well, it’s not only possible – it happened!   Many thanks to all who with very little notice jumped in and transformed their creative car trunk decorating ideas into inside, car-less decorating ideas.

We had 46 spots filled with decorations, games, and wonderful people in costumes giving out candy to the hundreds and hundreds of children who came out to trick or treat with us.   I have to admit, I had my doubts about how many people would venture out on a cold and slushy night with their kids in costumes – but as usual, the Lord showed me what a waste of time worrying is.  With a warm and bright place to trick or treat we had an overwhelming turn out, with kids and parents dress in costumes and ready to spend a safe, fun filled evening with their family.  After playing games and trick or treating, the children were treated to a puppet show and snacks, or could stop by and do a Halloween craft.  For me the best part was there wasn’t a single crying child getting scared of what might pop out in the dark.  Many of our neighbors and friends from Guilford came to see what we are about.

Our “parking spots” were amazingly creative with the Wizard of Oz, Alice in Wonderland’s Mad Hatter Tea Party, pirates, campers, and Christmas, just to name a few.  Our grand prize winner for creativity was our new Pastor of Young Adults, Wayne Johnson and his Shepherd Group who did the movie UP, complete with the house, balloons, Carl (now we know what Wayne will look like when he’s 80!), Russell, and the rare bird, Kevin.

A huge thanks to everyone that helped – set-up, clean-up, snacks, crafts, and of course the “parking spots”.  It takes a lot of help to put on an event like this, and we couldn’t do it without our wonderful volunteers.

In the end – despite the snow and last-minute adjustments due to less-than-ideal weather – we were able to serve RBC families and bless many neighbors from our surrounding community (several of whom showed up for worship services the next morning!) We continue to pray for hearts to open to the Gospel as we show the love of Christ in fun and practical ways through events such as this.

‘Twas the Night Before Book Day

 Have you ever videotaped your children when they first see what is under the Christmas tree on Christmas morning?  That was what the children’s faces looked like last Tuesday at Guilford Elementary School. We surprised the students when they came in for “Picture Day” with 2,000 books piled on tables.  The students were told that they could choose 3 books each to have for their very own.  For many of these kids, these will be the first books that they have owned.  They went back to their classrooms hugging their books and excited to be allowed to write their names inside – proof that they could keep them “forever and for always”.  Many thanks to all who donated books to our first Book Drive for Guilford Elementary School, and a huge thank you to the volunteers who helped set up, assist the children, and clean up after the event.

– – –

‘Twas the night before Book Day

When in the Guilford gymnasium

Tables were set up

for the big surprise yet to come.


The boxes were unloaded by volunteers with care

In hopes that kids’ smiles soon would be there.

The children were nestled all snug in their beds

With no idea of the special day that was ahead.


For our people are caring, and they give when we ask

So we stacked up those books – a formidable task!


We sorted those novels, the fiction and non

Picture books, tall tales and stories from beyond,

Goosebumps and Pokemon and Jillian Jigs

Sports books, and math books and tales about pigs.


The teachers were skeptical

as they waited their turn.

Would there be enough books

so their students could learn?


When what to their wondering eyes should appear

Books and more books, (there was no reason to fear!)

There were more than enough for each child to have three.

The hard part, of course – Which three would it be?


More rapid than eagles,

The children they came

And they whistled and shouted

And called books by name.


“Star Wars, and Hardy Boys,

Diary of a Wimpy Kid

Junie B. Jones, and a book about squids!”


“Do you have Curious George?

Oh we just love them all –

Choose a book, choose a book,

It’s like a book mall!”


We had to explain to each little peep

That these books were for them

To take home and to keep.

Forever their own to love and to read,

Our people were so generous to help fill this need.


Each child stopped to thank us with words, waves and hugs.

Each child made an impact – my heartstrings felt tugs.

So I thank each of you for your giving and love.

Such a great witness of our Father above.

Don’t Volunteer at Guilford

That’s right: I said “Don’t volunteer at Guilford.” At least, don’t volunteer if you just want to do a little something nice for the underprivileged or if you are checking off the “help the community” box on your weekly to-do list.

You see, should you volunteer at Guilford, something will happen to you when you meet these kids. No longer will you be able to keep your heart’s door closed to the reality of the poor. Everything that you have carefully compartmentalized into statistics and bar charts and percentages of those-who-qualify-for-free-lunches suddenly become …people. Beautiful, unique, gifted individuals who face challenges that most of us cannot fully grasp – challenges that are out of their control.

I spent the afternoon at Guilford Elementary last Friday. I was the special guest of one of the third grade classes, and now I know what it feels like to be a rock star or Santa Claus. I was treated like royalty, given lots of hugs, and kids fought for the privilege of sitting next to me in the classroom (a first for me!)

The children had written thank-you letters for the things that RBC is doing for them. Many of the kids stood up and read me their letters, and some read to me from their writing journals. I was touched to the point of tears. One boy told me that he has wanted to go to a museum his WHOLE LIFE, and this year he will be able to go on the field trip because of the people from our church who paid for it for him. He also told me now he can think better in school because he’s not thinking about his tummy being hungry. One child said I was “such a nice teacher.” When I asked why he thought I was a teacher, he said it was because teachers are the ones who love you and take care of you, so I must be a teacher since I was getting people to give the children snacks. Kind of makes you think.

Don’t get me wrong, these aren’t perfect little Stepford children with large puppy dog eyes. These are real kids. Charming, silly, serious, thoughtful, impish, studious, sometimes disobedient, always enthusiastic and energetic, children. What overwhelmed me was that all of them were respectful and grateful. Both the haves and the have-nots were appreciative of all that RBC has done for their school. There was no sense of entitlement. Just thankfulness. It was humbling to realize how infrequently I am just thankful for what I have been given.

So there you have it. Don’t volunteer at Guilford, because once you meet the kids, suddenly it becomes about people, not programs. It becomes about justice and mercy and grace and love and sharing it with what Jesus called the “least of these”. So don’t do it, because try as hard as you can, I don’t think you can close your heart door to the “least of these” once the Lord has opened it.

Don’t say I didn’t warn you.


 (Click on the images to the right to read a few of the letters from Guilford students.)



Guilford Elementary Update

Thanks to the generosity of our people, our church has already been able to make a difference for the students and staff at Guilford Elementary school.  Here are some brief updates on recent ways we have been able to serve the staff and students:

  • RBC has been able to provide a water cooler and coffee for the staff, which they greatly appreciate.
  • Every student will be able to go on their designated grade level field trip because of the field trip fund that we were able to provide them.
  • The clinic has been stocked with new socks and underpants for use when a child is sick or has an unexpected accident.
  • Each classroom has been given a mouse-proof box to store snacks for the kids that don’t bring a morning snack from home.  We are providing snacks each month to fill these boxes.
  • We have purchased balls for the students to play with during recess, and soprano recorders for the kids to use in music class (which is a requirement in the older grades and many of these students can’t afford).
  • We have also been able to supply the school with tissues, disinfectant wipes, Ziploc bags, and other basic school supplies.

There still are lots of ways that you can be involved to help make a difference in the lives of our neighbors at Guilford. 

BOOK DRIVE: For the next several weeks, we will be collecting new and gently used children’s books.  Research shows that children who have books in their homes have significantly higher reading achievement than those who do not have access to books. We would like to provide each child with three books for them to keep.   You can drop off your donation in the designated bins in the lobby. Books will be collected until October 16.

SCARVES FOR KIDS: The principal has asked us to help provide scarves for the students who walk to school.  If you knit or crochet, this is a great way to use your talents to help a child.  Scarves can be any color and should be the appropriate length for a child.  Scarves can be dropped off in the church lobby.

SHOPPING AT GIANT FOOD STORES: If you shop at Giant Foods and are not already supporting your own children’s school(s), you can go online and register your Giant card on behalf of Guilford.  Every time you shop at Giant, Guilford will earn points that will be converted into money that the school can use in any way they choose.  Last year, most of the schools in Loudoun County earned between five and ten thousand dollars through this program.  It doesn’t cost you anything to enroll, and it’s “free money.”  Go to  to register your card.  The Guilford Elementary school ID is 02102.

BOX TOPS FOR EDUCATION: Another great way to help this school financially without it costing you anything is to participate in the Box Tops for Education program that General Mills sponsors.  Just clip the box top symbol off of the products that you are already buying,  bring them to church and put them in the donation box labeled “Box Tops For Education” in the lobby.  Last year, Guilford earned $675 through this program.  We can help them earn significantly more.  You don’t need to register to donate your box tops, but if you enjoy shopping online or would like to get coupons for General Mills products, you can earn additional rewards by registering at

OTHER VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES: We still need volunteers to provide monthly snacks, be homework helpers, adopt a family, and provide teacher encouragement.  You can sign up online at, and the volunteer coordinator will send you more information.

Guilford Elementary Partnership Kick-Off

We have a huge praise for the overwhelming success of our Welcome Back to School Breakfast at Guilford Elementary school. This event was the kick-off to our ministry at the school. The entire teaching staff was there and I was given the opportunity to share with them about the different ways Reston Bible Church will be able to come along side them this year. The teachers were told about the water cooler and coffee that we will be providing for them, and about the school supplies and field trip fund that they have already been given. Each teacher was given their snack box, filled with their first month’s supply of snacks for the children that do not bring a snack to school. The teachers were also able to choose items for their student incentives – stickers, pencils, flashcards, etc. Each grade level team was also given a gift card to purchase more supplies.

The teachers were hesitant at first to ask questions about how we could help, but once they started to share the needs of their students it was obvious that they love these kids, and would do just about anything for them. The thing that overwhelmed me is that the school is not asking for big things like better computers that would make their lives easier. The things that I was asked about were small things that would help these children maintain their dignity and be able to learn – things like packages of new underwear for when a child has an accident, or a student who has difficulty reading because he needs glasses that his family can’t afford. Through the generosity of our body here at RBC, we can help with these kinds of things.

It was humbling to hear that this was the first time anyone had brought in breakfast for the staff. Such a simple thing, that meant so much. The teachers were grateful, appreciative and we felt no resistance to our involvement with them. Clearly the Lord has gone before us in this endeavor. A huge thanks to those that donated food, and who came and helped serve.

There are still lots of needs, so if you haven’t already, check out to get involved.

Clothing Exchange Update

Last Saturday, June 25, RBC held our annual Clothing Exchange, which was a great success. Approximately 500 bags of clothes were donated, with less than 30 bags left at the end of the day.  Six of the leftover bags will go to Lifeline Pregnancy Center, a Christ-based crisis pregnancy center in Landsdowne, VA.  We were also able to supply clothing to multiple missionaries, our ESL families, people in the congregation, and many families in our local community.  Families from Guilford Elementary were also well-represented.

This is a huge praise! Thank-you to the congregation for donating and the many volunteers who made this a wonderful outreach to our new community. We are grateful to God for what He did through this year’s Clothing Exchange.