Eric was born in 1962 in Berkeley, California, at the campus hospital where his father attended graduate school. In 1964 his family moved to Arlington, Virginia, while his father took an assignment at the Pentagon. It was there in his bedroom in 1967, as he learned to read with the Bible on his bedside table, that he recalls trusting in Christ as his Savior.
In 1971 his family moved to a rather new planned community called Reston. In 1975 he began to attend a start-up church called Reston Bible while it met in a small room at the Sheraton Hotel. Intrigued by the lack of liturgy and ministerial robes, etc., he listened to a young Pastor Mike preach weekly from the Scriptures. A couple of years later he attended the RBC junior high youth group and began to understand how his faith and practice were intended to fit together.
By God’s good providence, Eric met his wife Michelle in the senior high youth ministry and were married after college. Eric and Michelle have eight children (Jesse, Noah, Elijah, Jonah, Hannah, Rebekah, Sarah, and Amos) and have a niece, Monica, who also lives with them. Eric and Michelle were both so deeply impacted by the RBC youth ministries that they volunteered to serve the Lord in the junior high ministry after they were married. Eric was asked to be the lay leader of the RBC junior high youth ministry from 1986-1996.
In 1980, while attending King’s College, Eric formed a corporation to conduct business doing residential building and remodeling – a business that he still owns and operates. Eric has a BS in business and a minor in Biblical studies from King’s College.
Eric leads a shepherd group and enjoys mentoring young men through his work. Eric is passionate about knowing the God of the scriptures and understanding how to apply faith to daily life.