FROM THE FIELD: Update from Venezuela
From Chelsea, our missionary in Venezuela:
“We are not made for the mountains, for sunrises, or for the other beautiful attractions in life—those are simply intended to be moments of inspiration. We are made for the valley and the ordinary things of life, and that is where we have to prove our stamina and strength.” – Oswald Chambers
Now that the exciting adventure of living in a foreign land has worn off, and this is my day-to-day life, I wonder how much longer I am going to be in Venezuela. It is nice that I can commit one year at a time as the Lord graciously leads, but every year seems to have its own challenges. This year, I think the challenge will be persevering in the valley. It seems to be a dry season for me as far as God’s work goes, and I don’t seem to have much zeal for ministry. I am sharing the Gospel and discipling others out of sheer obedience rather than passion or holy delight. I am thankful for Oswald Chambers and his writings, for God often uses him to speak to me right where I am. Recently, Chambers has helped me see that the valley is not necessarily a trying circumstance, but the “ordinary things of life.” The above quote was extremely eye-opening for me and comforting at the same time. I am not sure if what I am experiencing is missionary burn-out or not, but I am beginning to see that it doesn’t really matter. I must believe that if I am abiding in Christ (which I am), my obedience through this dry season has a purpose and can glorify my Father just as much as when I am on top of the mountain.
Would you take a moment now to pray for Chelsea? Pray also for her ministry and for Venezuela as the Gospel continues to go forth in that country.