Arise, Go, Preach
Arise, go, preach—in reaching nations or neighborhoods, God’s threefold command to Jonah is just as vital for us today as it was for Jonah then.
- What stood out to you most in this message?
- In Jonah 3:1 it says that the word came to Jonah a second time. It is clear that God was giving Jonah a second chance to obey and do what he is being asked to do. Has God ever given you a second chance at obedience?
- In Jonah 3:2, God calls Jonah to arise. It is a call to repentance for not engaging in the call for evangelism. In what way is God drawing you into greater evangelism?
- After this God calls Jonah to go. Who is he calling you to reach? Are there those in your life who need to hear the Gospel? What has gotten in your way so far?
- The final part of this text is to preach. If you were to open up a spiritual conversation – what would you say? Do you have a sense of how you might begin spiritual conversations? Brainstorm some opening questions or statements you might consider.
- God gave Jonah a wake up call, not a guilt trip. Does this conversation feel like one or the other of these two?
- Pray for the Lord to open doors and move hearts for touching those around you for Christ.